Elon being Elon 67 comments
· 7 years ago
Coal, oil and other non-reneweable energy sources will one day run out. It's better to be prepared for that day and start moving towards green energy no.matter the effects on the climate. I don't doubt that jobs were lost, but those jobs will come back within the green energy market. You're not removing jobs, just replacing them with new ones.
As for the .2 degrees, that is much. Just one degree increase in temperature can significantly alter nature. Just because .2 degrees doesn't sound like much doenst mean we should just dismiss it as nothing.
A reason America is paying more than China is probably because it produces about double the amount of CO2 per capita.
As for the .2 degrees, that is much. Just one degree increase in temperature can significantly alter nature. Just because .2 degrees doesn't sound like much doenst mean we should just dismiss it as nothing.
A reason America is paying more than China is probably because it produces about double the amount of CO2 per capita.
Elon being Elon 67 comments
· 7 years ago
It was really easy to find, one google search. Just shows that you don't even care to look things up before you say something.
You're basically mocking me for looking up facts...
Edited 7 years ago
You're basically mocking me for looking up facts...
you can camp on CoD too 5 comments
· 7 years ago
I agree. Even though it can be really annoying it's still a tactical move, if performed correctly.
Elon being Elon 67 comments
· 7 years ago
W/o... you guys really think that the entire world has some conspiracy against you... damn
Also the US is the second largest polluter in the world. So yeah. And China are investing more in green energy than the US is. It's true that the US can fix the pollution my themselves, but Trump doesn't care about that. He even tried to bring back more coal.
Edited 7 years ago
Also the US is the second largest polluter in the world. So yeah. And China are investing more in green energy than the US is. It's true that the US can fix the pollution my themselves, but Trump doesn't care about that. He even tried to bring back more coal.
Elon being Elon 67 comments
· 7 years ago
You're basing your entire argument as if the US is a victim in this case. It's not. Every country is doing their fair share to reduce the effects we have on nature. The .2 degrees doesn't sound much but it isn't something bad. You make it seem pointless. The fact is that that's about the lowest we can go because we've already fucked up. The treaty was supposed to jumpstart a new age of green energy and Trump went ahead and fucked it up even more.
Elon being Elon 67 comments
· 7 years ago
Some EU countries have increased, but some have significantly decreased. Europe has already poured a lot of money into green energy. For example over 50% of Sweden's energy comes from green sources. That's a trend this treaty is supposed to help. It was only signed last year, which means it may need some time to come into effect.
Some EU countries have increased, but some have significantly decreased. Europe has already poured a lot of money into green energy. For example over 50% of Sweden's energy comes from green sources. That's a trend this treaty is supposed to help. It was only signed last year, which means it may need some time to come into effect.
Thank you CNN 6 comments
Hopefully not a repost 21 comments
· 7 years ago
Well the secret service has come out saying there are no recordings. That means Trump lied about it to influence Comey, to scare him. Or he used it to make it look like he had things under control to his supporters. Furthermore Trump is from today under investigation for obstruction of justice. This is the special cabinets doing, the guys who do this for a living decided it was necessary. If you say they are wrong you're just throwing fits at the government you voted for. These systems are in place to make sure there's no illegal happenings in the government. There's no exception. If you want freedome then you need to shut up and accept that Trump MIGHT have done something wrong until he's either proven guilty or not.
You gotta love this guy 2 comments
Elon being Elon 67 comments
· 7 years ago
Some might be generated for the moment but that's not even guaranteed. Neither is pumping more oil. The faster you use up those resources the faster they will run out and the faster you will lose jobs. If you want to generate more jobs you have to focus on renewable energy. It will not only save the planet but it is where future energy work lies.
For the media, I agree that it has to be honest. However there's a difference with repoorting on something new without all the facts and end up getting it wrong and reporting news with the intent to fool the viewers and present false proof that they know are false. Since America is so split up it's important that media outlets get to do their thing, the more there are the better. It means there will be several newspapers talking about the same subject from different perspectives. That way it's easier to get all the facts.
For the media, I agree that it has to be honest. However there's a difference with repoorting on something new without all the facts and end up getting it wrong and reporting news with the intent to fool the viewers and present false proof that they know are false. Since America is so split up it's important that media outlets get to do their thing, the more there are the better. It means there will be several newspapers talking about the same subject from different perspectives. That way it's easier to get all the facts.
Elon being Elon 67 comments
· 7 years ago
Just because Trump is a billionare and was elected POTUS doesn't mean he isn't ignorant or stupid. He was bnorn into a rich family. That's like playing sims with cheat codes. The fact that he "recovered" from his bankruptcies shouldn't be a positive thing. He filed bankruptcy several times, that's not a good thing, at all. The only reason he managed it was partly because of his rich family and beacuse of his other companies keeping him afloat. He misinterpreted the study he based his desition to leave the Paris agreement on. That's not an opinion, the scientists who wrote it criticised him for it. The Paris agreement is for the greater good, not some scam for the rest of the world to take the US' money. Every country who signed it has to contribute. Besides the future lies in renewable energy, whether you believe in cilimate change or not. Fossil fuels will eventually run out, sooner or later. Some within our lifespan. Jobs won't come back just becuase you increase coal production...
Elon being Elon 67 comments
· 7 years ago
I've heard countless of times that people think those higher ups deserve the money becuase they worked for it. It's true that they worked for it, but if only those who are already rich gain from this it will create a monopoly on the market. That is not a good thing in any society (unless it's something state run). For a free market to work there needs to room for several busnisses, not just the big companies. Taxes would help regulate this, besides the already rich have enough money as it is. If America wants the population to feel good those taxes will only help. Not only does it give the state more monmey to use on for example healthcare (which in my opinion is something important that every citizen should have free or cheap access to), the military, roads or whatever. At the same time it will be easier for smaller busniess to open up independantly which will create more jobs. All in all those taxes will profit the common citizen.
Elon being Elon 67 comments
· 7 years ago
If anything that will lower the lower classes even more and increase poverty. Other companies that are already in the US will also see their chance to lower their workers paychecks. Sure, more people will get jobs but that doesn't mean poverty in the US will go dowen. At the same time companies are always trying to automize their productions more and more. If the minimum wage isn't removed the companies will have all the more reason to invest in machines that in the end will be cheaper than American minimum wage workers. The busniess will have moved back to the US but ultimately more people worldwide will have lost jobs. Let's say the prices increase because of American minimum wage workers. They will then demand higher pay so that they can afford to live off of the now higher prices. That in turn will just lead to higher inflation because of the excessive ammounts of money on the market. The only ones who profit are the people who already have money, the CEO's and higher ups. (cont)
Elon being Elon 67 comments
· 7 years ago
I meant that if you stand for freedom and democracy you should know that it's wrong to choose which media gets to report on you and which media is fake and telling lies. He should not interfere with the media the way he does. If he thinks the media is lying, instead of tweeting "fake news", he should adress the matter formally and present a counter argument.
Back to economics. If America brought busniess back in it would increase the price making it more expensive to live. The quality doesn't necessarily go up. The compazny will most likely still use the same machines, techniques and materials as before, the difference will be the nationalioty of the workers. If the minimum wage is removed or lowered that will just make the lower middle class and lower classes poorer. It would certainly not help the poeple who Trump promised to help. The prices may go down for everyone else but the workers will in that case get similar conditions to those that we have offshore now. (cont)
Back to economics. If America brought busniess back in it would increase the price making it more expensive to live. The quality doesn't necessarily go up. The compazny will most likely still use the same machines, techniques and materials as before, the difference will be the nationalioty of the workers. If the minimum wage is removed or lowered that will just make the lower middle class and lower classes poorer. It would certainly not help the poeple who Trump promised to help. The prices may go down for everyone else but the workers will in that case get similar conditions to those that we have offshore now. (cont)
Elon being Elon 67 comments
· 7 years ago
And famousone, I wanted trump to be a good president because he s the fucking president of the United states. You think I've been all.against him but I've TRIED to look positively at him. Sadly he has time and time again proved his stupidity and ignorance. And for the press matter, it's very possible it doesn't go against the first amendment, but choosing which news get to be present and making the population believe that everything bad being said against him in the media is fals news is a sign of a bad leader and a tyrant. That is exactly what dictators have done throughout the ages. When someone says something bad against them they say it's not true and that the people only should listen to this media outlet. In the cases where said tyrant already has the power of a dictator they will dispose of the people who wrote the bad things. And open and diverse media is crucial for democracy and freedom. If that's what you stand for you should know it's wrong.
Elon being Elon 67 comments
· 7 years ago
It's pretty obvious he doesn't care about profit for the entire country, only himself and other rich families. Moving business back into America, as he said he would, will only make products more expensive since the American minimum wage is a lot higher than that in for example China. More jobs are lost to atomization rather than moving the business offshore. Bringing those businesses back won't bring back all the jobs. As you said he is a greedy billionaire. That just means he wants to maximise his on wealth, not the people's. It's kind of obvious when he wants a tax cut on the major rich families in the US, even though they are the ones who should actually pay more tax. If he lowers their tax he will only lose budget money. That means he will have less to spend on military and his "improved" healthcare. Since he is a republican it is probably the healthcare that will take the blow. That means loads of Americans will lose insurance, opposite of what he said he would do.
Elon being Elon 67 comments
· 7 years ago
"Even if that were true" he lost the popular vote. That's fact. And the hate against Trump isn't childish. People are complaining about how he's acting and how he contradicts himself. Also when he does bullshit things like the Paris convention and how he fired Comey after he had asked him to stop the Russia investigation. I'm not saying he has any ties to Russia but he damn sure acts like he is. Also how he is restricting the media, only allowing chosen newsnetworks into his presscomferemces and how he has made the Trumptards believe that everyone who speaks against him is "Fake news"
Surprised? 6 comments
· 7 years ago
If you don't want the rest of the political spectrum to think that; you should stop using words such as "libtard" directed to anyone who disagrees with you. And you have no right to say "assuming that blah blah" when you just assumed his political stance. Such a fucking hypocrite.
I see you completely ignored the "per capita" and just went on with your argument. Nice move.