
What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?
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How the Japanese treat your luggage at the airport 5 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
In mlst countries they usually just throw them willy nilly into the cart as if they want things to break.
Hiroshima, 1945 (Color) 3 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
It's not gay if you don't touch the radioactive 6000°C flaming ball of death!
Kitty has sacrificed everything, what have you given 2 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
You are not prepared!
Would you? 8 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
You could just go to a reality where everything is exactly the same except for one small detail, like macbooks are a slightly darker colour. Or whatever. Infinite reality theory, bitch.
Youtube is ruined 5 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
It's fucked up in general what they're doing with monetization. Honestly of they start fucking up for content creators just because 1 in a million videos is recruiting terrorist then they've won. It's stupid and is a typical "everyone gets penalized because one person did wrong".
Questions you don't want answers to 5 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
However, to be fair, abiding US health regulations doesn't say that much.
Is it true? 12 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
*blushes* *reflection screams*
Is it true? 12 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
Me (boy): *staring into the eternal abyss of the eyes of the thing that once was my reflection*
It's you 8 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
True that
It's you 8 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
I think part of the joke is that pewds is a girl? That's my interpretation at least.
This is love 3 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
Go on, say it. Say you're a sexy little baby
The European heatwave as seen from space 3 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
Gib rain, plox
My prayers have yet to be answered 4 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
I just started a replay of this game yesterday
Experiment 113 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
Eh, the industrial revolution was actually in full effect by the time slavery was abolished in the US. I wouldn't say that it really matters anyway since it happened before the 20th century. Just don't spread misinformation like that.
1 · Edited 6 years ago
Yes that's how it is 6 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
The American model is wasteful, to fill an entire bowl. However other countries have regulations that say there can only be the minimum necessary ammount. Believe it or not, it's quite necessary to have plumbing. There's many reasons fpr why civilizations in the past were filled with diseases and one of them is because they didn't have plumbing and therefore had to carry and dispose of their waste, which increased the chance of infection. It's actually quite important to dispose of waste in a safe and practical way.
Daddy left 4 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
Did you ask them about it?
Resistance is Futile (Windows will update now) 7 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
No, I got a PC. I should know since I built it from scratch. I always choose to update it during the night, but there's the option to postpone even further
Scary 9 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
I see we have a volunteer
Scary 9 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
Moisturize my rat °#°
Resistance is Futile (Windows will update now) 7 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
Except that you can...
This is why I'm not a Catholic Christian 19 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
You can downvote all you want, but it's a fact that the church, at least in the past, has withheld science and spent their money on luxurious things. I'm not saying they haven't helped people, just that it's negligible next to all the other things they've done "in the name of God"
This is why I'm not a Catholic Christian 19 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
Are you implying that the protestant church isn't doing that? You DO realize that the catholic church also spends a lot of its money on building pompous churches witch gold decorations and so forth. Also I don't see how any of this has to do with protestants in the forst place?
That's a good solution to our problem 21 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
I am aware that there are some, but those are the exceptions, not the rule.
This is why I'm not a Catholic Christian 19 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
I would argue that christianity has been the largest benefactor, the church has mostly just fucked shit up.