Contributing nothing 17 comments
· 6 years ago
The beautiful blue glow of a Nuclear Reactor 16 comments
· 6 years ago
I would not entirely agree. The fact that it takes light longer to travel through a medium does not mean that the photon is actually slowing down. It wouldn't make sense for light to slow down just because it enters a cluster of molecules (unless it's extremely dense and able to warp spacetime). The photon doesn't care what's around it as long as it doesn't run into anything. Given that a photon is masless and thus forced to move at the speed of light it makes more sense that rather than slowing down it gets reflected, absorbed and re-emitted by surrounding atoms. The act of which takes time and that's the measured decrese in speed.
Protest to make it known where the blame belongs 20 comments
· 6 years ago
Meat production is one of the largest polluters because of the amount of energy required to raise animals, feed them, slaughter, package and transport. There's A LOT of CO2 behind just one piece of steak.
The beautiful blue glow of a Nuclear Reactor 16 comments
· 6 years ago
The speed of light IS constant. It's just that when it travels through material it has to take a longer path around the atoms. The photon itself never slows down.
Don't be in the fools club 20 comments
· 6 years ago
They can have placebo effects that are very real, but claiming it's because of some diluted herb is fraud. Kurzgesagt made a nice video about it.
Don't be in the fools club 20 comments
It's all so simple now 14 comments
· 6 years ago
Only problem is you have to grind missions to earn money in order to get a nice car to customize. Or spend money on a shark card to get it instantly.
Can I SPEAK, to your manager? Maybe someone my age who gets it? 6 comments
· 6 years ago
To be fair, she said "our generation", not "there's no one bad in my generation because blah blah", implying she's talking to people who generalize.
How to tell if a guy or girl likes you 5 comments
Why does she look so sad 4 comments
Louis...Take em off 51 comments
· 6 years ago
The Superman black hole thing is a pretty irrelevant argument since Saitama hasn't even been in that situation. I don't doubt that he would be able to pull off that feat, but you neither deny nor confirm ghat he could since he hasn't, yet. What you can go off is that he defeated an enemy that was literally the most powerful known being in the universe, one that was able to destroy entire planets and stars by himself.
Bike helmet 8 comments
· 6 years ago
I highly doubt that. It's been designed over the course of seven years. I don't think they were just rolling their thumbs during that time. In case of an accident it deploys in 0.1 seconds. It's also been proven to be 8 times safer than a regular helmet by reducing impact force and covered area. This study was made by Stanford university, so it wasn't some backyard biased testing either.
Yes. A hug would be nice 15 comments
· 6 years ago
I wouldn't be surprised if most of those "pussies" grow up to become more succesful than your sorry, judgemental ass.
Bike helmet 8 comments
· 6 years ago
I'm pretty sure it's been tested and proven to be safer than a regular helmet. Also it was made for people who don't like helmets or kids who think it's not "cool"
Louis...Take em off 51 comments
· 6 years ago
He's still literally invincible. The most lowerful being in his universe. That's the entire premise of the series, as Bethorien said. He tore a canyon sized hole in a mountaon range just from the shockwave of one of his punches when he didn't even give 100%. To be fair yoi can't even vonpare superman and Saitama because of this. They're totally different characters made in totally different universes. Saitama exists in one where he is unbeatable. Superman is in a more serious universe where he actually jas to face antagonists who might stand a chance against him.
Louis...Take em off 51 comments
· 6 years ago
Of course s
Saitama can beat superman. There's no doubt about it.
Edited 6 years ago
Saitama can beat superman. There's no doubt about it.
Brace Yourselves! Xenophobic Post Is Comming! 31 comments