
What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?

— 42 Report User
"hugs" 44 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Well I still live at home, so it's saving money
Whats this? 4 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Not the word itself, but a bulge does have a d in it
Pretty accurate 34 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Grim is Giantdad confimed
"hugs" 44 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
I'm in production, so it's not a fancy schmancy job either
Being a healer is hard 7 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
I always feel bad when a medic dedicates to healing me or pockets me. I mean hey, I can barely keep myself alive, I don't want to get you killed just because I'm playing too aggressive
Woman gets offended by a plain pepe meme sent to her via AirDrop and says: 26 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
How can people actually be so stupid that they believe a MEME of a FROG is racist? People need to stop excessively labelling stuff as racist and harassment.
"hugs" 44 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
I work at a place that produces firefighting foam
"hugs" 44 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Kinda same
Dr. Jordan Peterson everybody 29 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Ben Shapiro uses half truths and manipulated facts to push his agenda, but Peterson is an actual psychocologist with some really valid points. Don't hate just because he isn't left leaning.
"hugs" 44 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
I'm fine, and you?
Earth vs sun 49 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
I updated the comment. Seems like my phone doesn't wanna copy from the google app.
Almost all news articles are biased. However, knowing my country and the EU I highly doubt the US is the only ones cutting down on emissions.
Good guy mike 30 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
With your logic we should stop treating cancer altogether because we literally fill people with toxins and radiation and everyone don't survive. IT'S MURDER, THAT LIFESAVING THING THEY'RE DOING. Or heart surgery, or brain surgery, or surgery on shooting victims, or car accidents or any ithet medocal procedure that has a risk of harming but if you don't do anything they're probably gonna die anyway. You're sitting on a very high horse given that a large reason you're even alive, or that your father is alive or even grandfather is because of vaccines and that they didn't die at the age of 1 because of some preventable disease.
Good guy mike 30 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Vaccines save more lives than they take. They also save mor elives than people who get sick by the vaccines. The benefits far outweigh the few cons. Not vaccinating is an even bigger Russian roulette where there's four bullets in the magazine rather than one with vaccination. And that one bullet might not even have negative outcomes in the long run. Because usually when you get sick from a vaccine it's a weaker version of the sickness that isn't gonna kill you AND you become immune for either a long time or the rest of your life. The few cases that have an allergic reaction or similar is an even mkre rrason to vaccinate, because that means they can't become immune so a vaccinated society has to act like a barrier for those people. Not vaccinating "just because it be bad hurr durr" will kill or harm the people who can't vaccinate because of the allergic reactions.
'murica 14 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
I've been waiting to use this
Check the description for individual sources (so don't just say "it's just a youtube video").
'murica 14 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
It is confirmed: the natural laws of physics and chemistry were invented by the Chinese.
Earth vs sun 49 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Since i don't know which specific article guest is talking about I don't knkw which date it's from, but with a little google search I found another article on the same matter from NY Times
(Here’s How Far the
World Is From Meeting
Its Climate Goals by Brad Plumer, New York Times, 6th November 2017)
Where it states that the US is not the only country who has reduced emissions. It quite clearly shows that the EU was already going down. Since my source states otherwise either guest is twisting what he read or either article is twisting the facts. Either way I'm sceptical until guest can give some more sources on that ONLY the US has reduced emissions.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Earth vs sun 49 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
What guest did is not citing a source. He cited the paper that published the source. A proper source has the name of the article, date and author, or just a simple link.
Earth vs sun 49 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Source please
She's 6'6r.U // 197cm 20 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Are you accusing me of being dishonorable to my word? The nerve of you, Madame.The very nerve.
She's 6'6r.U // 197cm 20 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
*gets attracted* now what?
The tank show (first Polandball comic, critique appreciated) 4 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
"Looks like shit for conquering" roughly.
"hugs" 44 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Of course
"hugs" 44 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Did someone knock you out with chloroform? It's been three years!
Let's freak her out 10 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Feels like it's gone up a notch from before. There are more titles that cut out and that don't make sense in context with FS than before
I can totally hook up with any woman, if I wanted to 4 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
We finally know what spiderwoman is into and it's not as weird as I was expecting