Elijah Shadbolt


Creationist Christian Evangelist
Elijah Shadbolt Report User
True 4 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
Because I'm Blew Air Through My Nose Man!
Are there people out there that still don't know about this?! 3 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
So, what, you ordered popcorn for the credits sequence?
No Erin here 2 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
You need to run your errands, Erin
Seriously, how do you write these? 8 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
Those symbols are punctuation in programming languages, like the beginning and end of a statement block. Think of the closing brace as the full stop of a sentence. Compare this to languages like Visual Basic where everything is just words (BEGIN and END instead of { and }) which IMO is much slower and harder to read.
· Edited 5 years ago
Seriously, how do you write these? 8 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
That's the thing, they're just punctuation which shouldn't take so long. IMO
Imagine what he would be thinking 26 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
Also I do not believe killing Isaac was God's intentions at all.
Imagine what he would be thinking 26 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
So bringing it back to Abraham, if might makes right, and Abraham had the might to kill his son (being alone on the mountain), and suppose he did kill his son, in his eyes his actions were not wrong. Maybe fellow villagers of Abraham's time could have told him he is wrong, but if they all agreed that God talked to moses, might makes right and he still did nothing wrong. I disagree with this course of logic that might makes right. So are you arguing based on a modern day perspective of morality? It may be completely opposed to that society's morals of the time.
Imagine what he would be thinking 26 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
Killing is wrong, but God makes the rules and gives some people exceptions, but those exceptions always eventually line up with His nature.
Imagine what he would be thinking 26 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
So, just hypothetically, if Hitler had won WW2 and with that might everyone was taught that the holocaust was necessary and socially acceptable, we couldn't say that it is wrong? Even in that universe, God is the ultimate authority, so even if Hitler or any human says it's OK, we still gotta back up our facts with God's word (which in that case wouldn't line up).
Imagine what he would be thinking 26 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
I agree it is inherently bad to kill people. God gave us discernment to know what is right and wrong, even subconsciously. I'm not saying killing people is socially acceptable or ever should be, I'm just saying that if someone of a higher authority tells me to do something, I'm gonna follow their orders or ask them for an alternative. This applies to people like governments and judges and parents too.
Are you a rebellious person who would like nothing better than to disobey the queen or president, just for the sake of not being submissive? I hope not.
What right do you have to say what is moral and what is not? You didn't create the world and place Man in it. We need an ultimate authority (God), or else we could even argue that cannibalism is not bad. Without a God, is cannibalism bad in a society of cannibals? They've always viewed it as commonplace. What would give you the right to say cannibalism is bad?
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Imagine what he would be thinking 26 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
Even if it was, who is to say that's a "bad" thing? God is the ultimate authority. We are His creation. He can do with us as He pleases. However, killing children for sport is not in His nature. God is Love. He even sent His heavenly Son Jesus to die on a cross to cover our sins, so that we mortals can have eternal life. Also, if He was willing to sacrifice His son, why should we disobey God if He asks us to make a similar sacrifice?
Imagine what he would be thinking 26 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
Abraham was proving that he valued obeying and trusting in God, his creator and the ultimate authority, above all else, even beloved family. It was never God's intention to follow through with the death of Isaac. It was just a character building experience for the future father of the nation of Israel. Abraham made the right choice, by reluctantly obeying until just the right moment when the ram came into the scene, at which point he stopped with the original plan of killing Isaac and sacrificed the ram instead.
Makes sense 1 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
Some say he has 3000 emails in his inbox, and that he types with one finger. All we know is, he's called the Stig!
Tim burton is a perfectionist 26 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
"Needs to be purpler."
You are trapped 19 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
Yet it is still the other people's fault for giving in to their rebel spirits.
You are trapped 19 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
Such a good show
Sculpture made out of paper 6 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
When the extrude tool goes wrong in a 3D modelling application
Admin nailed it 3 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
Proably he wanted the admin to add other people to a channel, so he gave their IDs. Since they were numbers, the admin jokingly added them together mathematically instead.
Moses! These numbers don't add up 15 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
Good recap @xvarnah!
diplomacy 3 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
We demand whales!
Recommended for you 1 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
The man who made a YouTube Play button out of Chromium
Best anti virus EVER!! 5 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
// Thus assuring that virus is always false, assuming it is a primitive type.
Best anti virus EVER!! 5 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
if (virus = false)
virus = true;
// Yee boii assignment operator inside if statement!
Best anti virus EVER!! 5 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
virus = virus xor virus
Damn true 8 comments
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
That's deeper than it should be