I may not have a brain 5 comments
· 11 years ago
That dumbass bitch...
Good read 23 comments
Good read 23 comments
· 11 years ago
Soooo let me get this straight... This one crazy bitch threatens to KILL your GIRLFRIEND and then you don't hear from EITHER OF THEM for DAYS and that doesn't concern you AT ALL?!?!?!
I regret my decision 8 comments
Don't leave your dog in your car 30 comments
· 11 years ago
The "or babies" comment really shouldn't be necessary buuuuuut that's the society we live in.
Seeing your parents kiss 7 comments
The rarest egg 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Do I need to be the douchebag that ruins it by saying parrot eggs aren't rainbow colored?
What happened to Miley? 32 comments
· 11 years ago
80% of teenagers do drugs, 75% of teenagers will send an "inappropriate" picture at some point between 15-20, if I felt that confident and had a body like hers I would dress that way too, oh for the love of God she didn't pole dance!! She dances NEXT to a pole, let that one go. I'm not condoning what she's doing or saying it's alright and yes, I do believe that she handled her "growing up away from Disney" phase a bit drastically but she's a role model to me because at least she's not afraid to be herself and she's not going to be what everyone tells her to be. Obviously, she's happy the way that she is so who are we to take that away from her? I know this stuff always gets me a lot of down votes but I don't even care.
What the hell 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Will someone distinguish the difference between smart and stupid one?
What happened to Miley? 32 comments
Well that changes everything 29 comments
· 11 years ago
Also, kids were typically given more food than adult to keep up their stamina so they could be worked harder for longer.
Yahoo mother of advertising 2 comments
7 Creepy Myths 38 comments
I think I took the wrong career path 4 comments
Message and Robbery 3 comments
3 Year old twerking... 13 comments
· 11 years ago
She's fucking THREE!!! What the fuck is wrong with you people?! Babies and toddlers have danced like that since before anyone knew what twerking was!! It's not anything the parents do. Little kids grow out of this stuff just like everything else. Holy shit I hope none of you become parents....
My entire life is a lie 25 comments
3 Year old twerking... 13 comments
· 11 years ago
You people act like the damn three year old knows what twerking is. Smgdh. She was probably just playing around and having fun and her parents thought it was funny. It's not bad parenting or a bad child. It's fucking normal. Grow up.