Incoming feels 27 comments
· 10 years ago
lol kk i changed the spelling xD
Prevention saves you money, a lot of money 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Thats 100yuans lots of them... (chinese money)
Dat lady, why is she cutting them?!?!?! There is litrally hundreds of homeless people on the streets, cant she give the money to them instead of wasting it??
Dat lady, why is she cutting them?!?!?! There is litrally hundreds of homeless people on the streets, cant she give the money to them instead of wasting it??
Wish me luck 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Germany has won the war, we are all prisoners... There is no chance of escape... we are all doomed and whats worst of all? Tuesday is still after Wednesday
Germany has won the war, we are all prisoners... There is no chance of escape... we are all doomed and whats worst of all? Tuesday is still after Wednesday
I bet it burns. 8 comments
WTF! Japan! 14 comments
Where pearls come from 18 comments
· 10 years ago
they usually dont cost much. I remember going to a pearl farm and the owners were practically giving those for free.
In the midst of violence comes heroism 18 comments
Thank you all for getting me a star! 5 comments
Super rare lobsters 19 comments
Super rare lobsters 19 comments
Do you wanna build a snowman? 13 comments
120 feet deep Jacob's well, Texas 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Imagin you jump into the hole, and when your trying to swim up something grabs your foot...
clue...that's a paw 12 comments
Why, Gavit? Why...? 16 comments