

Summer Report User
Chrises 3 comments
summer · 8 years ago
And Chris Pine
I would not be pleased 11 comments
summer · 8 years ago
One time my nephew got a Mohawk and it was in that awkward phase and he couldn't style it because his hair is super curly grown out and trying to be helpful I cut his hair thinking it was easy, it wasn't, and his dad my ex bro in law SCREAMED at me because it was a tad uneven he even called me harsh names, like I was just trying to help. My sister on the other hand said thank you bu it was uneven and she knows I was trying my best and my crazy ex bro in law kept yelling at me until my 8 year old nephew went "DAD! STOP YELLING AT MY AUNT SHE WAS TRYING TO BE NICE, IT'S NOT HER FAULT. YOU'RE BEING A HUGE JERK!" and that shut him up.
We need someone like Batman or The Punisher 22 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Super? No. Heroes? Yes. Soldiers, police, firemen, even everyday people.
Stop complaining people 14 comments
summer · 8 years ago
But how do I stop being a cyborg?
Ungrateful kid gets what he deserved 7 comments
summer · 8 years ago
I've always been grateful for what I got the only thing I hated was when my parents got me and my sister the exact same thing.
Disgruntled Children's Librarian 5 comments
summer · 8 years ago
50 shades of why the fuck you need to go to bed.
That's what I call relationship goals 6 comments
summer · 8 years ago
He could be holding her shoes.
Get you that girl 3 comments
summer · 8 years ago
She's incredibly beautiful.
Some people like to celebrate flag day pretty seriously 12 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Dude the flag could be a picture of one of the teletubbies for all I care. Because when I look at the flag I don't see men and women dying. I see a symbol of a country, a piece of cloth hanging from a rope flapping in the wind which looks cool as fuck and I'm outstanded by their size but I don't see the efforts our troops put in, I see the efforts one women put in to make it. Everyone has a different opinion and thats fine. I don't see what other people see in the flag because i see it when I look at a loving family out on a stroll, a group of people who are multicultural, children laughing, people marrying whomever they love I see it on the back bones of middle class workers, and people getting to practice whatever religion they want, and people being able to stand up to mistreatment because to me the value of what our brave men and women fought for is not in a flag (don't get me wrong I still stand up hand to chest to show respect) but its in each and every citizen.
Swag league 7 comments
summer · 8 years ago
He's adopted 19 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Because we all know what's going to happen and it's getting old
Some people like to celebrate flag day pretty seriously 12 comments
summer · 8 years ago
The U.S flag is made of polyester, which is a cloth material.
Resist the urge, Batman 5 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Maybe if y'all stopped talking it would be out already
Meet the hot doctor and his husky who are taking over the internet 47 comments
summer · 8 years ago
The dog hates his girlfriend.
Daytime fireworks 6 comments
summer · 8 years ago
This would be cool for here in AK since it's never dark during the Summer
Strange business hours 6 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Well I'm saying 5 hours is really nothing so they should just close it on Sundays
Strange business hours 6 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Because nor everyone is religious idk man
Strange business hours 6 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Why is this business only open 5 hours on Sunday?
Toilet doors 8 comments
summer · 8 years ago
No you just proved that things are theories which no duh.
I know you can relate 5 comments
summer · 8 years ago
True! I even told my best friend that I'll only date a boy if he's exactly like Sam Winchester.
1 · Edited 8 years ago
Toilet doors 8 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Women do have more thoughts per day than men do, like, scientifically. And men tend to summarize while women don't. Us women want to tell you every detail while men are like "Yeah so xyz happened."
Here's A Fun Fact You Probably Didn't Know Yet 4 comments
summer · 8 years ago
So you're telling me that above average houses can jump?
An apple is my favourite hour.. 6 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Some of you might not like this, sorry ( check comments) 25 comments
summer · 8 years ago
I agree. Maybe its because people dress her up as America's sweetheart but she's actually a terrible person. Like suing fans for making their own merchandise, suing a couple because her song just happened to be playing in the background in their video, suing google, suing anyone that uses any of her anything, jumping from guy to guy and writing songs about the break up when they only dated for a month, her feminism being one sided and that's her side, just being generally annoying as hell. Maybe.