

Summer Report User
Not having kids 36 comments
summer · 8 years ago
There's over 7 billion people in the world I think our species is good, probably to much, overpopulated. Not everyone wants kids, people are allowed to lead their own lives without kids. Some people don't find it joyous.
DC keeps struggling to make good movies 41 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Batman isn't even good.
All Cate's Are Immortal 14 comments
summer · 8 years ago
This cat looks like it wants to die
Real life 59 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Real life that waiter would be fired because he could've gotten the restaurant sued.
Never a good idea 23 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Exactly. No skin off my teeth. Is thay the saying? I feel like I get that mixed up wiyh something else.
Never a good idea 23 comments
summer · 8 years ago
I wouldn't hate it. Bitch they're gonna break up with you but this piece is $200 (or more) so idgaf.
Obama's endearing reaction to a baby dressed as a pope 7 comments
summer · 8 years ago
This is wholesome
rekt 6 comments
summer · 8 years ago
His daughter's boyfriend is bullying his son and the little bitch isn't sticking up for her brother so dad stepped in.
Shia dropping da metaphysical question 8 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Can I find this on netflix?
Sacrifices are needed! 4 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Fun fact: When spells call for the blood of a virgin they actually mean someone who hasn't bleed for a spell yet.
Brutal 18 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Or she posted in on a fbook selling page and he is a stranger messaging her or even if not you still tell them the reason you're messaging them like im buying a car from a friend I've known for years and I still was like "Hey, *name* are you still looking into selling your car because im interested." And then after that we spoke like friends. Im not saying she wasnt rude about it because she was but there was a better way to start of that conversation
Brutal 18 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Let's not compare this to rape, I'm sorry but if someone is SELLING something on craigslist or whatever selling platform there not one person will text them and be like "Hello" and leave it at that. I'm not talking about face to face interactions, I'm talking about selling and buying shit online where yes when you message the seller you do state you're intentions of buying and talking about said items. It's not rude thats how it works "Hello, I saw you're add on Craigslist and I was wondering if you still have it? Can you tell me a little more details about it?" If you message someone just "Hello." They're going to be like who tf is this. Also coming from a ex retail worker if you could keep the small talk to a minimum that'd be great because we really actually hate it.
Brutal 18 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Okay, if he meant that he could've said "I'm interested in your item for sale. If you're free to talk can I call you so we can discuss it." I'm not agreeing with what she said but honestly you should explain to people why you want to talk to them if its a business thing.
Brutal 18 comments
summer · 8 years ago
You still don't start off a conversation like that with someone you want go buy something from.
Brutal 18 comments
summer · 8 years ago
If you want to buy something someone is selling you don't start of the conversation like that lmao. You say "Hey, I was wondering if you still have xyz for sale."
This actually makes sense 4 comments
summer · 8 years ago
This is why I don't like a lot of female comedians, most of them put down other women to get a laugh.
The iPhone 7 is coming soon 6 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Maybe she really likes popcorn
The internet helping nice guys since 1846 4 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Would they even allow that at school? I know at my old school after you reached a certain age you weren't allowed to go to prom with anyone.
Female to Male Jack Sparrow 9 comments
summer · 8 years ago
That's johnny depp? Is it not?
Answer the question 20 comments
summer · 8 years ago
I don't see why it's such a big deal honestly.
"Oh because of the troops and vets."
Yo, if we really cared about them there would be better bills and laws for them so they were guaranteed a job when they got back, so we could get homeless vets off the streets, the VA didn't take 10K years to see them, and they were paid better for their service. But no, no instead of getting mad towards the treatment of our soldiers let's get mad because people don't declare their obedience to the country.
This is amazing 7 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Well yeah no duh she should be paid a decent wage but since employers don't and a lot of waitresses rely on tips it's nice to tip them especially if they give you great service so what he did is cute nonetheless but it would be nice of him to come in later and give her a tip for her service and being understanding that he didn't tip.
Seriously 12 comments
summer · 8 years ago
I can't believe people can't say certain words without being looked at as feminine or masculine.
This is amazing 7 comments
summer · 8 years ago
That's actually cute but he should come in later when he gets some money and tip her.
It matters so much 5 comments
summer · 8 years ago
He looks like Woody Harrelson in the second picture
Unrealistic beauty standards for men 6 comments
summer · 8 years ago
Don't even talk to me if you don't look like this