Take that, Bachelor 4 comments
· 11 years ago
Yeah if they're all willing to "share" one spouse why shouldn't they be allowed to try?
Lookie there! 27 comments
· 11 years ago
It says "Edward was a vampire." Most people would guess it's Twilight from just that.
You left the toilet seat up 4 comments
Why are people afraid of snakes? 11 comments
Poor baby elephant 6 comments
· 11 years ago
As long as his trunks above water he'll be fine. Unless he somehow trips which I'm terrible for even thinking of.
Its so cold 18 comments
· 11 years ago
This is why I would like my room to have a well insulated passage to the bathroom so it stays warm in the air.
Mmmmmm 9 comments
· 11 years ago
This is for all the people who have no one to make out with and drown their sorrows in ice cream. Or you could just bite it.
The best test for robotic surgery equipment 12 comments
His name should be captain thor: Hulk of iron 11 comments
So you don't like broccoli? 6 comments
Its sad but its true 14 comments
· 11 years ago
Ha right you're selfish for putting you dreams before hers. She did the same to you if I read that right. And I'm sure if you got Sarah to sit down and listen to you long enough you could explain why you pushed her away. Maybe even show her this post.
Edited 11 years ago
Cheetos 13 comments
· 11 years ago
They're okay but I'm fairly certain I'd tire of the flavor long before I was even full.