PC players using a controller 1 comments
· 10 years ago
What's this from? I feel like I've seen it before...
When I heard my school got rid of the desktops and replaced them with iPads 31 comments
· 10 years ago
We have computer rooms and laptops, but yet we still have to buy and bring an iPad, and later our own laptop.
Would anypony like to check my work? 13 comments
100+ year difference 18 comments
· 10 years ago
I have shakespeare's entire works from 1901. 9 bucks from a used bookstore.
They woulden't stand a chance 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Sorry, would someone mind explaining? I haven't watched it, but it looks cool...
My favourites are depressing lil' shits. woohoo. 64 comments
To grow or not to grow...... 6 comments
Well in Technical Terms Both... 6 comments
Well in Technical Terms Both... 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I'd say apathy. Because if you are apathetic you aren't going to do anything about anything, but if you are ignorant you don't know that you're not doing anything about anything.
Your move ladies 11 comments
Interesting iPhone cases 7 comments
· 10 years ago
They're cool, but I had the etch a sketch sort of one. It looked cool but it worked poorly and sort of broke apart...
Mr. Mosby and London 16 comments
· 10 years ago
But I can still never tell if these shows really were good or I was just young. But I suppose the good ones I would still watch now so that's proof. And it's ok cause the kids that watch the new shows probably enjoy them :}
Hmm was that suppose to happen?? 7 comments
Brony 13 comments
· 10 years ago
As a female brony, I can confirm that not telling your parents is the best way to go. Or kind of drop it into conversation, like "oh yeah so I'm just gonna go to a friend's house on the weekend" "sure, what you gonna do?" "you know..just...watch some...mlp fim." "mlp fim??" "bye."
This week on "I Didnt Know I Was A Satanist"... 87 comments
· 10 years ago
Thank you! I finally argued my case and she let me do Haitian voodoo. That'll do me.
This week on "I Didnt Know I Was A Satanist"... 87 comments
· 10 years ago
This is so relevant in my life right now, because we had to pick a religion to study at school, and I wanted to do satanism because I know it's actually not bad but my teacher didn't believe me and wouldn't let me.