Sorry One Direction fans 20 comments
· 6 years ago
Am i the only one that thinks the movie wasn't that bad?, at some point i even laughed.
Do you agree? 7 comments
Happy belated birthday, SB 5 comments
14 year olds are just hornier versions of 12 year olds 33 comments
· 8 years ago
when i was 14 i tried to kill myself, it's the biggest thing i regret to this date.
Humanity being good 16 comments
· 8 years ago
I would crawl that human bridge as an excuse to touch the booty ;)
On a more sirious note these people are awesome!!!
On a more sirious note these people are awesome!!!
That sounds like the best dream ever 2 comments
· 8 years ago
i had a dream about Daryl Dixon who got scratched on his toes by a walker, and carol had to cut his toes of, with Daryl's face in a permanent WTF state.
Special effects and green screens 11 comments
Anybody else love Simon Pegg? 9 comments
Who are you 162 comments
Why is RDJ googling Frostiron p*rn? That is the question. 8 comments
· 9 years ago
it also comes up when you just google robert downey junior you just have to scroll down a bit
Maybe they have a dad handwriting convention 21 comments
Dreams are weird 12 comments
*pshhhhhhhh* 1 comments
· 9 years ago
i sometimes say that to my mom like ´´whatever ´mom´ if that´s even your real name´´
And you all thought he didn't get one in. 6 comments