True beauty 21 comments
· 11 years ago
That isn't really what I was trying to say. I've played ultra Skyrim vanilla and it looks far better than MOST games released at the same time, BUT, it isn't that fantastic. For a game of its scale, it's pretty impressive. However, base game can't hold a candle on a mile long pole to realism mods/ultra shaders/the hi-def makeover pack. All I'm saying is that TESV with those mods is.. Well, exactly as you see in the pictures
b**bs are Great 36 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh sure, I know somebody in a medical class and, while I'm pretty sure he is straight, he can do the same thing. He's far more intelligent than I am, and I'm pretty damn bright or so my test scores say. I'm pretty sure he knows everything, lol
I just never understood that logic, though. Like that gay couple on American Dad. Whenever they see Francine's vagina, they both freak out like it's the Predators face on the Alien movies
I just never understood that logic, though. Like that gay couple on American Dad. Whenever they see Francine's vagina, they both freak out like it's the Predators face on the Alien movies
Jokes so good they cure cancer 7 comments
· 11 years ago
Pretty sure that's the posting size limit that cut it off. I doubt a bot would pick that up, so yeah
True beauty 21 comments
· 11 years ago
Skyrim looks like crap without mods. Actually, Skyrim looks good until you add mods. lol :) Hopefully this is what the next one looks like! TES6 will be great! :)
b**bs are Great 36 comments
· 11 years ago
I've never understood why they think vagina's are disgusting. I'm a straight man and I don't think penises are disgusting. Granted, I don't want to touch one with a 10 foot pole, but I don't think it's gross. What would make him think they are disgusting? Just out of curiosity
I have a cat. Want a dog. How do I make this relationship happen? 7 comments
· 11 years ago
It would be best to get a puppy and a kitten at the same time. We get a puppy and our cat was very mean to him. Then we got a second puppy 2 years later and same thing. Both times though, the dogs weren't trying to be mean to her, though
This man is perfect! 4 comments
· 11 years ago
Guys aren't as interested in the kids as they are the women(chose not to be more descriptive) that he/she came out of
It's talking about sex lol
It's talking about sex lol
Halloween horrors 26 comments
· 11 years ago
Dude, chill. Really, nobody is happy that 7 people died, but, if this were real (I doubt it), shouldn't we be at least somewhat glad that 20+ survived rather than all of them dying? Sure, it would be amazing if nobody died, but would it be better if everyone died? No. Come on.
I regret nothing 16 comments
· 11 years ago
Actually, if you can learn even just one language and be very familiar with it, learning everything else is pretty simple. If you start on C# or even C++, everything else is pretty similar apart from most of the old stuff like Cobol and F#. I myself know xana, C++, C#, a little F# and VB.net. Right now, I'm working on learning Java and plan to learn HTML, CSS and JS. Granted, it would take a little bit of work to learn to test databases and programs for back doors and loop holes, but frankly, I doubt it's too tough. I haven't done that, myself, though.
Halloween horrors 26 comments
· 11 years ago
Because I'm sure that's how they meant it. Not that there were more than 7 people, but thankfully, he only killed 7 people. Chill out. I don't get why half the people on this site get so excited about EVERYTHING
I regret nothing 16 comments
· 11 years ago
Well, with even two or three languages, you can practically work anywhere for software. I know 5 and I'm confident that I could write just about anything I need to.
I regret nothing 16 comments
· 11 years ago
It doesn't even really mater TBH. Us developers can go from writing a simple program that executes a given math equation to writing an extremely complex game hack the next day. We are far too versatile, and even then, he probably doesn't just do those ads
Epic Burn 20 comments
· 11 years ago
Actually, I saw that, but I actually went back and deleted my post I was going to type which was worded better lol
Epic Burn 20 comments
· 11 years ago
No, because the sub-scores determine which jobs you would be best in and qualify or disqualify you for them as well. Then, for the specialist fields (at least the Navy Nuke program) you've got to take an additional test to actually get into it. I took it and only got about a 65 with a minimum of a 55. That test was VERY challenging compared to the ASVAB.
Don't feel bad though, the test/pre-test is actually very tough. Only about 1% of the US's people try out for the service and only about 1% of them get in.
Don't feel bad though, the test/pre-test is actually very tough. Only about 1% of the US's people try out for the service and only about 1% of them get in.
How considerate. 15 comments
· 11 years ago
I can tell, however, that you don't actually know the anatomy of ammunition. You see, there are 4 key components that make up a "bullet" as you would call it. The powder, primer, cartridge and the bullet/slug. The bullet or shot is the projectile(s) that comes out of the barrel, not the whole thing. So, contrary to what you think, an ice bullet would actually work. Since you are incapable of researching it, here is a link that shows ice slugs being uses in a shotgun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vn7np7I9haA Fast forward to about 1 minute in.
Furthermore, a hot glue bullet would also work, even without the powder. The primer is an explosive just like those little firework snap pops. In fact, they are very much the same in that sufficient force sets them off.
As you can see, the one who actually knows is the person who has been around firearms for nearly 20 years and been working on them for 14 years. Considering your VERY lacking knowledge on them, you obviously don't know much.
Edited 11 years ago
Furthermore, a hot glue bullet would also work, even without the powder. The primer is an explosive just like those little firework snap pops. In fact, they are very much the same in that sufficient force sets them off.
As you can see, the one who actually knows is the person who has been around firearms for nearly 20 years and been working on them for 14 years. Considering your VERY lacking knowledge on them, you obviously don't know much.
How considerate. 15 comments
· 11 years ago
the gas tube to push it back and cycle it.
"You don't need the bullet out of the barrel." I'm not sure why I put that, I believe it was a typo and I meant that you don't need the bullet out of the cartridge, or in other words, that you don't need the powder to fire it.
Also, a hot glue bullet inside of a cartridge with a new primer is completely OK. Not once did I mention air pressure as being the way it's fired.
And on top of all of that, the hammer is far more powerful than you think. If you put a pencil down a barrel large enough to fit it, pointed it up at the ceiling and pulled the trigger, it would hit the ceiling and likely break. The firing pin has more than enough power to push something out of the barrel, so even if it isn't at a lethal speed, it's going to hurt like hell.
Edited 11 years ago
"You don't need the bullet out of the barrel." I'm not sure why I put that, I believe it was a typo and I meant that you don't need the bullet out of the cartridge, or in other words, that you don't need the powder to fire it.
Also, a hot glue bullet inside of a cartridge with a new primer is completely OK. Not once did I mention air pressure as being the way it's fired.
And on top of all of that, the hammer is far more powerful than you think. If you put a pencil down a barrel large enough to fit it, pointed it up at the ceiling and pulled the trigger, it would hit the ceiling and likely break. The firing pin has more than enough power to push something out of the barrel, so even if it isn't at a lethal speed, it's going to hurt like hell.
How considerate. 15 comments
· 11 years ago
The bullet is the top, NOT the entire thing. Whoever started this misconception needs their vocal cords removed.
When you discharge the firearm, you're hitting the firing pin which "punches" the primer in the cartridge. The primer is an explosive. The primer reacts to the force from the firing pin to produce a heat and a small blast that ignites the propellant, which happens to be the gun powder. The gun powder, which comes in slow, normal and fast burning variants depending on what you've got (shotgun, handgun, rifle, etc.) which creates pressure inside of the chamber and cartridge to push the bullet forward. This is what causes the rearwards recoil, the pressure that pushes it out. horizontal and vertical recoil is produced by the gas escaping from the muzzle. Depending on the action, gas can also be used to cycle the firearm and eject the round. Most modern semi-automatics either use the recoil to cycle the action or gas trying to make its way out of the barrel goes through
When you discharge the firearm, you're hitting the firing pin which "punches" the primer in the cartridge. The primer is an explosive. The primer reacts to the force from the firing pin to produce a heat and a small blast that ignites the propellant, which happens to be the gun powder. The gun powder, which comes in slow, normal and fast burning variants depending on what you've got (shotgun, handgun, rifle, etc.) which creates pressure inside of the chamber and cartridge to push the bullet forward. This is what causes the rearwards recoil, the pressure that pushes it out. horizontal and vertical recoil is produced by the gas escaping from the muzzle. Depending on the action, gas can also be used to cycle the firearm and eject the round. Most modern semi-automatics either use the recoil to cycle the action or gas trying to make its way out of the barrel goes through
Epic Burn 20 comments
· 11 years ago
Miley is the kind of girl that would score single digits on the ASVAB. She can keep insulting us if she can get an 95 like one of my good buddies or an 89 like myself. On top of that, if I knew anything about automotive other than the basic functions of some parts, I'd easily have gotten a 92+, myself.
How considerate. 15 comments
· 11 years ago
You don't need the bullet out of the barrel. You can shove it back in the cartridge and so long as it has a new primer, it will work. I use it with hot glue bullets I make for cheap, safe shooting in my yard. Very good training tool for those new to handguns. It isn't nearly as effective, obviously, but point blank, it just might work. So quit spouting out stuff you've got no clue about.
· 11 years ago
Shinji? Neon Genesis Evangelion was amazing! Easily my favorite anime :)
How to make an invisible folder 17 comments
· 11 years ago
Couldn't you just delete the shortcut? I could see this being useful for that on IOS where you can't delete it, but you should be able to on Windows
i'm australian.................. island......... 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh, I see. Sorry, I just thought you were assuming it was the same, here.
Awesome campaign in the uk 6 comments
i'm australian.................. island......... 10 comments
· 11 years ago
That is more than $25, if I'm not mistaken, it's $40. British Pound Sterling is more valuable than the US Dollar.
Nascar 5 comments
· 11 years ago
So, what, like 30 people? I used to love watching NASCAR just for what you stated, but I've grown tired of it. I'm sure most people have, too. I used to go to races quite often, but now the tickets skyrocketed, just look at the stands for an average race, damn near empty compared to a college football game