Very long time stalker! Like 3-4 yrs of being a guest. But decided to join, so I did. Now hear I am! HELP, I am an old fart living in a young world!— \__•—•__/ Report User
T r u t h 92 comments
· 6 years ago
TEEEEEHEEEEEEE!!! I love the warmth an feelings ya get from an awesome hug from an amazing person!! *HUGS BACK*
Edited 6 years ago
Tell me you didn’t do it after reading this 9 comments
My buddy 5 comments
· 6 years ago
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That dude DEFF got the “I am GOD” complex BIG TIME!! That smug look says it ALL!!
This was Alfred. He loved using me as a pillow 20 comments
· 6 years ago
@savage_demmigod GIRL you almost made me open up my dirty side. I luckily reread what ya said an took it back down a lot!! Cause I was raised by guys who were in the military that were deployed to a combat zone. Sometimes twice or more. An are cops, firemen. Work as automotive technicians. So I’ve been around, seen an even said, some very filthy,rude, obnoxiously crude an just about anything else that’s perverted to the up most ranchyness. So I had a TON of things go through my head before I came to conclusions that you are just gonna plop down on the mattress. Right?
This was Alfred. He loved using me as a pillow 20 comments
· 6 years ago
Pull up a chair sis we fixin to get our chocolate grub on!! I know ya not gonna want to miss this!!
I can honestly say I never ever worry about what people think when I’m using the bathroom! 4 comments
· 6 years ago
I’m a woman. Well the last time I checked, bout 20mins ago when I used the bathroom. But I could be a very late developer an I could have had some things drop an what not. Highly doubt it but maybe a chance! Well scratch the woman thing. I’m a “young lady” my good ol awesome uncle has advised me!
Edited 6 years ago
My fur baby 3 comments
18th B’day picture! 42 comments
If my man did this an I survived. His “snake” will feel the end of a shovel! 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Oh I don’t know if he used a shovel or not. I said I’d use a shovel. An I thought the exact same thing you said about the snake. Like what’s the odds one being in under the covers an the two . One that freakin big!! So like you said I would really have my doubts about the husband alibi!
Just give up your kidneys, bro 13 comments
· 6 years ago
Damn hate it for him!! I really do! But your cousin either missed all the signs that she was not in love with him or gonna leave him. Or he seen them but ignored them all an thought by giving her an kidney she will stay with him. Or she could have been plotting all along. Don’t know the whole story so I can’t really say anything!
Edited 6 years ago
My lil mouldy sock looks so drugged when she's sleepy... I love her^^ 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Maybe it’s just wore out from all the purring it’s giving you cause you are giving it all the love to fill up nine lives and then some!!
My lil mouldy sock looks so drugged when she's sleepy... I love her^^ 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Shhhhhhh...... keep it down please...... I don’t need people knowing I’m adorable. I got a rep to up hold an if that gets out, it’s all down the drain....
Edited 6 years ago
Your daily source of fun 9 comments
· 6 years ago
OMG ME TOOO!!!!! It was a baby one but a mofo SNICKERS!!! That FREAKIN SWEET!!!
To abort or not to abort. Vaccination is the answer 15 comments
· 6 years ago
@king_me that’s why my dad taught me to not worry about it. If people disagree with me then so be it. It’s their right to have an opinion too. Or my comments get DV it’s not like I’m gonna loose any sleep over it. It’s just a site that has no effect on the outcome of my real life. Except from the friends or Big Sis I make as I’m on here. They choose to be friends with me then I’m happy. If they choose to hate me an DV everything I do. Call me a 3am an remind me about it. Cause that’s the only way I’m gonna loose sleep over it. An then ya gonna have a very ticked off little brunette who DONT like to loose her sleepy time!!
I can honestly say I never ever worry about what people think when I’m using the bathroom! 4 comments
· 6 years ago
I just get in, do what I need to do, even if that means blowing up the stall, then so be it, get done. Wash hands an out the door. Some of my GFs say they are terrified about what people will think if someone was to hear them fart or grunt when goin. WHY?!?!? It’s a BATHROOM!! Stuff/ noises are gonna happen. Hell I laught when I let one rip an I hear a “lady” gasp or say something about it. As long as I’m not going it up on you like your face. Then GET OVER IT!! Now I will give a courtesy flush if it’s gonna be a stinky one. But other than that. I want some competition goin on!! Let one go that’s louder or longer. If ya hold a fart in it’s just gonna back up in ya then go back up your intestines an then come out as a burp!! Now that’s nasty!
She always does this with the cat door 4 comments
· 6 years ago
HAHAHAHA it does look like the pup did just ram her head into the door. Heck if that was the case it would prob be to fat to do anything at my house cause I’d be scared crapless to the point where if her wanted my burger she would get my burger. Thus fatting her up.
My lil mouldy sock looks so drugged when she's sleepy... I love her^^ 8 comments
· 6 years ago
:) THANK YOU!!!! That’s gonna be AWESOME!!! Heck yeah!! Oh an please have a safe trip home. Ya got love ones depending on ya to get home an give out hugs an scratchys!
Edited 6 years ago
Prepare the booty... 1 comments
· 6 years ago
*Jaws Theme music playin in my head as I sneak to my BF laying on the couch* Bout to smack that butt bone!! He don’t have any meat on him. He a skinny little shit like me! We’re basically two walking skeletons. So this post kinda don’t protein to him. Except if I was to him him I’d either break him or my hand when it hit his butt bone!!
Your daily source of fun 9 comments
· 6 years ago
I got you girl!! I feel the same way! Some are not happy unless they are bringing doom an gloom to others. Let’s get our chocolate ON!!
Edited 6 years ago
Your daily source of fun 9 comments
· 6 years ago
*In a depressing voice* WEEEEEEEE............ So much FUN. WEEEEEEEEEE.......... I wish it would end.
If my man did this an I survived. His “snake” will feel the end of a shovel! 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Well if I got a pair I know for a fact that everyone in the neighborhood would know cause I’d be running door to door showing them off!! An that means everyone in my house would know cause I’d show them first, then go door to door, then show them again. So if I got my foot broke there’s gonna be a beat BUTT at home once I got out of the hospital!!
To abort or not to abort. Vaccination is the answer 15 comments
· 6 years ago
*X Files theme song plays in the background*
Or Twilight theme song if ya rather have that!
Edited 6 years ago
Or Twilight theme song if ya rather have that!