

Very long time stalker! Like 3-4 yrs of being a guest. But decided to join, so I did. Now hear I am! HELP, I am an old fart living in a young world!

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My take on inspirational home decor 10 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
If you find please post where an if I find I’ll post where ok?
Daaaamn, single dad getting work done 12 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Note to self. DO NOT HAVE A KID WITH A GUY WHOS twitter name is DAFLEXGOD. Nothing against him personally, cause his luck is almost like my luck, buuutttt his track record for his women who have kids for him is not looking so good! But he is an awesome dude with a freakin very big heart an a brain too. Just hope having the kid an then dying thing, hopefully stops at the third lady. An then he can have another beautiful child an have the woman of his dreams too! Fingers crossed.
6 · Edited 5 years ago
Rambunctious harmonious ready Pheasant 11 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
If I had to make a wish an there was a way to make it where I could see him but only if all my friends and family could too. Then i would choose him. He is just so freakin AWESOME!!
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Always ruining the fun 4 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I’m with Nik!! That just jacked up my next weekend plans!!
If he actually fires that gun, you can kiss that ass goodbye 26 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I’m breathing so I’m good I guess. I pray you don’t have Crohns. It’s a disease that basically your body doesn’t recognize another part, mostly on the guts, an it attacks each other. So when I get a “flare up” it feels like well my guts ripping each other apart. An there not much they can do for me cause they said since my body is still growing they need to be careful on what I take cause like most meds the side effects out weigh the benefits. So a little shit like me can’t take most meds. So I either gotta take a crapload of pain pills or suffer. I don’t wanna get addicted to pills so my Uncle gives me half a pill ever so often when I ask for it an I just learn to do what I can. Wake up dead is I guess a Southern thing. We say it so much that we forget y’all not from here don’t understand what we mean when we say it. LOL!! Like “Oh bless your heart” is actually an insult old people use instead of sayin “you dumb little shit” or “I gotta pee like a three pecker billy goat”
Shiny and chrome 21 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Teach your children young 17 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
YES they are BEASTS when it comes to eating!! My other home is in Arkansas! I go up there during the summer to live the “simple life”. I get up at O-Chicken thirty. I check the chicken coop for eggs. Bring the good ones to the house, bad get mixed in the hog feed. Then it’s to the stables to let the horses out. Clean the stalls an feed & water them. Then to the tracker barn. Get to backout a $85k tractor, then a $285k bailer & various other farm machines. I can operate the skidstear & baby dozer by myself but the others I can’t really see good or just to small to use all the controls at the sametime to operate them safely or without tearing them up. After I tend to the cows, bulls, goats, pigs, children & 1 donkey named Goober. There’s other chores I do to. After I get to go swim in the pond or creek. Shoot guns or what ever I can think of before sundown. Then it’s reverse on chores then supper, shower, then bed. Rinse & repeat til summer break is over.
2 · Edited 5 years ago
Opal the Affectionate Ball Python 38 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
@aviva I think I just peed myself. An it’s not because I’m 74 years young my dear. It’s due to you making me laugh so hard that I had no control what so ever. Even though you are not blood. It would be very hard to tell that you aren’t. Cause from what you just said is to the exact T on what a blood would say about another one of us!! Your personality is sooooo darn close to ours, that you gotta be kin somewhere down the line!! There’s no other explanation! I’m even more convinced that you are kin so calling you Big Sis just makes more sense now!!
Shiny and chrome 21 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I’m gonna say this is very not TRUE!! I’m gonna ask my Uncle D, who is going bald, if I can look in his ears to see if there’s any “gold” in there. I’m sure I’ll find rocks or even coal. But gold.......I’m gonna say that’s a stretch. But I’ll look an let y’all know.
At least the house looks good 5 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
An thus my future man would be sleeping with one if not BOTH eyes wide open for the next couple of days if not MONTHS did this to me!! If he wants the house clean, which it will always be. I hate having a messy house. That’s fine. An if he wants me to dress nice. Good. Hell I’m down with dressing sexy for my man if he wants. I just hope I’m open enough to my man that he will know he will not haft to lie to me to get something from me. Something I learned from my great aunt who has been married to my Uncle G for almost 52 yrs. She always said never lie to your partner. If something happens then be honest cause lying will only make it worse an thus put a strain on your relationship. She said fight the problem together, not each other. Both need to walk side by side. Not on/over each other.
5 · Edited 5 years ago
title 4 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
That name has me wanting to buy from them for some reason!
Opal the Affectionate Ball Python 38 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
@aviva. I text an called Uncle D an he said he will get with you ASAP. Hope all is ok sis!
Opal the Affectionate Ball Python 38 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Thank you! I’m know he would have been touched to know someone other than family cared about 8Ball and reptiles as much as he did. But that was long ago. An he is at peace now. He passed last October. Due to some demons he was fighting with. He along with my uncle C, known as LiquidE on here, were both active members on FS. I am currently using his, my dads, account to I guess carry on his “legacy” per say. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Nothing is off limits. I can not answer personal things like my real name, age an where I live. My Uncle D is very strict about that an will make sure to do what he can to keep me safe. Other than that ask away. I got a big Sis @aviva who is also on here. She can speak for me if I don’t get to the question first. She has full authority to do/say what needs to be done on my behalf! I’m approachable so please don’t be shy to joke with me or ask questions.
2 · Edited 5 years ago
My take on inspirational home decor 10 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I would sooooo our this up in my house!!
Opal the Affectionate Ball Python 38 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
That’s where the farts come into this. She will get under my covers or back her little fluffy butt up agains my head an let the SBDs go. Thus almost killing me.
I sure will sis. He is out of town until I think Thursday or Friday. But I will deff tell him to get up with you tonight. Is everything ok?
· Edited 5 years ago
Teach your children young 17 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Ohhhhhh yeah!! Cause even though I did it 1000 times and then some. All it took was that one time she was in a pissed off mood an decided I didn’t need to be in there. So she went after me. I told my uncle an he said he was glad she didn’t get me and to wait to do any cleaning, after she is out of the pen. I rode her, an played with her since then but will give her space when it feedin time.
· Edited 5 years ago
If he actually fires that gun, you can kiss that ass goodbye 26 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I didn’t wake up dead, so I guess I got that goin for me. My Crohns is starting to act up again. Hope this time it’s just passing through an don’t flare up an try to kill me AGAIN!! But other than that like you said “it’s going average”.
Opal the Affectionate Ball Python 38 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
@aviva Thank goodness for that little fluff ball!! She, besides you of course, is my best friend that I know will love me no matter what I do or say. She may not be able to respond to me verbally but just her whines, barks, grunts, sneezes, burps and heck farts lets me know she is there for me thick or thin until the end! Cause she is FAMILY!!
Opal the Affectionate Ball Python 38 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
@xvarnah YES!! From what I was told by my dad an Uncle D & research I did too. They all said DO NOT USE HEATING PADS OR ROCKS!! Unless that’s all ya have. Then only use them for a short time. Dad said you may use the pad/rock an never have a problem. But then again you may not know you have a problem cause a pad/rock may short out an go way above the intended heat, like it says 85f but shorts an go’s up to 115f. A lizard may go “Oh shit this is hot, I’m not gonna stay on this long” where a snake will just go “Ooooo YASSSSSSSSS” “Thisssssss isssssss great” an cook it’s self. Dad had a corn snake do that. He said he could literally smell the snake cooking. Or worse it shorts out an burns the house down. So if ya can stay away from using them please do so.
If he actually fires that gun, you can kiss that ass goodbye 26 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Hehehehe! How’s your day going Sis?
If he actually fires that gun, you can kiss that ass goodbye 26 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I ASSure you my mind is WIPED Squeaky clean too!?!?
Opal the Affectionate Ball Python 38 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Yeah that hit my dad hard. He loved that little dude a lot. Always told my mom that he would get rid of her before he would get rid of 8. But love for my mom, but he always said he did it for me, prevailed over his love for 8. Oh well!
A rabbits final moments in the snow 16 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Dang it ya beat me to it!! HAHAHAHAHA!! I was wrighting just about the SAMETHING as you just posted!!!
Say hello to Ben 8 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I see it now!! Nice catch!!