

Very long time stalker! Like 3-4 yrs of being a guest. But decided to join, so I did. Now hear I am! HELP, I am an old fart living in a young world!

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If he actually fires that gun, you can kiss that ass goodbye 26 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Well I’ve been raised to accept death as part of life. I don’t like it when it happens especially to the ones I love. But same time I’m not gonna fear it. I just hope it’s fast an painless. Not drawn out like some people haft to experience. It’s bad all around for everyone. The one dying an the love ones who haft to watch them shrivel up from the person they knew an love to something that is total opposite. So if death comes for me. I just ask to be taken fast and painless. It will help all involved! Ya hear that @grimreaper?!?! Hook a lil Sis up if ya come for me please! Take me out fast and painless please!! *BEAR HUGS MY BIG SIS*
· Edited 5 years ago
Over 9000+ 15 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Ummmmmm.... just wonderin are you speaking from experience or just knowledge? Just wondering not judging by any means!
Wish all my female friends like her, just wanna a honka nothing else. 13 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
It really don’t affect me one way or another. If I get some to honka then I get honkaed. An if I don’t then I don’t! My mom had DDs which my dad said they stretched to double FFs when she got older. He was gonna get her a reduction for an anniversary but she left him before he could do it. He said he prays I don’t get my moms boobs an butt with his frame. He was a little bitty fella. An so far I’m just like him. Very very small framed an short. If I get my moms boobs an butt he said I’m gonna have major back an knee problems.
Wish all my female friends like her, just wanna a honka nothing else. 13 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
How I met your mother. It’s an ok show. I liked some parts more than other parts
Officer Judy Hopps becomes the first rabbit to join the Zootopia Police department (2016 3 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I KNOW!!! I cried cause I thought of my pops when I saw this!!
Wish all my female friends like her, just wanna a honka nothing else. 13 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
...............it’s true!!..........
Opal the Affectionate Ball Python 38 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
To Mrs.Celticrose. I though about ya when I saw this!! 11 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Very true but I don’t think you would worry about that if ya was being mawed by either one of them.
Wish all my female friends like her, just wanna a honka nothing else. 13 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
*Looks down at chest* Damnit, I don’t have anything to honka!
Opal the Affectionate Ball Python 38 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
YaY!! F$&? GODD&$!; FUC&/%# that son of a BI}~ BOOBIES!!!
· Edited 5 years ago
To Mrs.Celticrose. I though about ya when I saw this!! 11 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
An I’m not calling her a PIG so get that outta ya head!! It’s from a discussion we had earlier on a post!!
4 of my childhood heroes 12 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
There gold in them heads I tell ya!!
If he actually fires that gun, you can kiss that ass goodbye 26 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Well it’s not lookin to good. But meh I take a day at a time an live it to the fullest. I could probably “wake up dead” tomorrow an there’s nothing I can do about it but hope people like you know I love them to the fullest!! *Hugs Big Sis*!!!!
Shiny and chrome 21 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
@mialinay hey girl ya know we here for ya if ya need an ear! If I’m not on when ya need it i know someone will be an they will help ya. So please don’t keep it bottled in. Even if ya talk to someone near ya. Please don’t let it eat at ya! We love ya an need ya here with us!!
Opal the Affectionate Ball Python 38 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
@aviva. Hahahaha oh FART! I’ll try to keep it G my G!!
My take on inspirational home decor 10 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
@jasonmon I like you!! You know us so well!!
Arwhizona 4 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
I’m actually drinking one now!!! Oh well!!
Not mine, but spreading the word! 7 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Hmmmmm..... So it must be 3am all the time for me then! Thanks for the info Hermionegranger!!
Always ruining the fun 4 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Really?!?!? WoW guess I better be happy I was warned then!
Not mine, but spreading the word! 7 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Ummmmmm....... do I even wanna know what a 3AM section is?
5 · Edited 5 years ago
Teach your children young 17 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Ya be surprised chickens can be just as ruthless as pigs. Especially when it comes to nests. I go in tired not thinking on the first couple days back an then get woke up real quick dodging spirs, beaks an wings that come at me when I reach in an “try” to get an egg or two. They come unglued an out fighting. Same goes for snakes, rats and even coons/ fox’s. They will gang up on them very fast. An even eat a mouse/rat & snake for a meal. But you are right when people come to visit the farm. Most are scared of the animals but a pig will give you a false sense of it’s ok come closer to me. Then ya hear “HOLYSHIT” or “OHFU@K” when the hog starts towards them grunting. I think they like to scare people. But will sametime nite the shit outta them too.
My take on inspirational home decor 10 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
THANK YOU @jasonmon!!!! Our Buddy jasonmon found the items we were lookin for @corkyloothemermaid!
Opal the Affectionate Ball Python 38 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
SHIT!! You saw right through my plan. Damnit gotta try another way!! But I do LOVE YOU BIG SIS!!! *Bats eyes*
Daaaamn, single dad getting work done 12 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
Hahaha I got nothing but support for him. The “hate” I’m guessing is when I said not to date a man named Daflexgod. That is a joke, an yes it’s a morbid one, but it’s still a joke on sayin I don’t want to have a kid with him an then die. I know they were very very bad situations that happened but nevertheless they happened an I don’t know about you but if you were to get involved with him an then found out you were pregnant I know I would be freaking out hoping I wasn’t number 3 to die.
If he actually fires that gun, you can kiss that ass goodbye 26 comments
t__v__t · 5 years ago
They can but it’s mostly to R&R, remove and replace, guts. Take out guts an replace with plastic type tubes. So I pray that it don’t get that far.