Artists agree? 14 comments
· 8 years ago
That's how Ive improved my drawing skills
Watching beauty and the beast 9 comments
· 8 years ago
That library is wonderful and I would die to be able to be there even for a while but, don't act as if desiring true love is ridiculous
Dark princesses 20 comments
I would be terrified 16 comments
· 8 years ago
I swear to god my dog once said "guapo" which is spanish for handsome. I call him that all the time.
4 more years til I'm 21 26 comments
End of discussion 9 comments
Childhood memories 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Unfortunately my parents dont like going out so I never watched Finding Nemo at the theater. I watch it at school thought, that same year, it was awesome, and it has been my favorite movie ever since.
Edited 8 years ago
Lupita Nyong'o photoshopped as Storm 8 comments
Lupita Nyong'o photoshopped as Storm 8 comments
· 8 years ago
I believe you! Sorry, I didn't know that happened with guests even if you don't hide your content.
My Second Language is english :)
My native language is spanish.
I love languages too~ But aside from those two, I haven't studied any others correctly. I just know some japanese and korean words and questions, and as any other person, how to say hi and bye in many more! lol
My Second Language is english :)
My native language is spanish.
I love languages too~ But aside from those two, I haven't studied any others correctly. I just know some japanese and korean words and questions, and as any other person, how to say hi and bye in many more! lol
Don't know if this is a good or a bad thing 25 comments
· 8 years ago
And I think those are chinese names.... Although maybe they do it over there too, idk
Edited 8 years ago
Of all the possibilities 22 comments
· 8 years ago
Then you're the rightest person to say how you can/want to eat your rice!
In my country rice isn't sticky, so they use a spoon but a preffer a fork. Similar?
In my country rice isn't sticky, so they use a spoon but a preffer a fork. Similar?
Nerdy guys 20 comments
Unconventionally amazing haircuts 8 comments
· 8 years ago
That would be awesomeee. If you do it, I think you should go for a tame or darker green, not the lime ones. But thats just my opinion
Of all the possibilities 22 comments
I need to move 14 comments
Of all the possibilities 22 comments
Here's another one 19 comments
· 8 years ago
But they protest everything. They protest every funeral of anyone who didnt "dedicate their lives to God". Like, when Steve Jobs died for example. Not only homosexual people, everything bother them.
Btw I once saw a shirt that read " Live so that the Westboro Baptist Church will protest at your funeral" lol epic
Btw I once saw a shirt that read " Live so that the Westboro Baptist Church will protest at your funeral" lol epic
How to pronounce "meme" the correct way 7 comments
· 8 years ago
In spanish the pronunciation is "meh-meh" which is unfortunate because people named Guillermo are called Memo or Meme and I think it must be hard
Edited 8 years ago
Biggest face-palm ever 15 comments
· 8 years ago
I see your point. Instead of taking the option away from these women, it's better to speak to them when there's still time to make a choice. Like, make them consider adoption. But I understand why they would choose abortion.
Simply because she shouldn't be forced to go through pregnancy if she does not want to. It's a really tough process, and I imagine it would be even more unbearable if they don't want to keep the baby.
Simply because she shouldn't be forced to go through pregnancy if she does not want to. It's a really tough process, and I imagine it would be even more unbearable if they don't want to keep the baby.