Every time 31 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah I hate when that happens. ( Totally didn't wait an entire year just to make this joke)
Music from the past vs. Music from the present 69 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't like the because they are what's wrong with media today, everything is fabricated to produce emotion and take your money. Nowadays you barely see any popular groups or artist who do it because that are actually talented and do it from the bottom of their hearts. One direction were picked because they have faces that sell to their audience which is teenage girls, none of their songs are made by actual members of the group, unlike the beetles, which makes the fabrication problem even worse. Some people don't care thy just want music that is catchy bu I prefer if we step away from that and stop rinsing and repeating for a quick cash grab and start making different a better types of music.
Music from the past vs. Music from the present 69 comments
How Europeans imagine 'Muricans 38 comments
Correct date format 19 comments
· 10 years ago
I always used day/month/year since it makes more sense to me because it goes in order because day is the smallest unit of time of the the bunch so it goes from lowest to highest. But I guess that's just how I think of it.
Truth 65 comments
· 10 years ago
Animal killing animal, acceptable, Human (Humans are animal too, we aren't at a different level/kingdom than other animals) killing animal, completely unacceptable and unforgivable.
A thread through a needle's eye, zoomed in a lot 10 comments
It wasn't jupiter India 4 comments
· 10 years ago
You can tell it's fake because of the amount lf pixalation around the words and lack of anywhere else.
Sonic's Middle Name 11 comments