Once in Biology class I was told I might be Human. Does that count?— that_Creepy_Guy Report User
Biological meme 5 comments
· 1 year ago
Biological comment
I mean .. yeah. 3 comments
I mean .. yeah. 3 comments
· 1 year ago
1. Darkened his hair
2. Thickened and darkened his eyebrows
3. Thinned his eyes
4. Thinned and shaped his nose
5. Reduced laugh lines
6. Reduced the amount of green undertone in his skin
I do agree with the statement but the execution is a little flawed Lmao
2. Thickened and darkened his eyebrows
3. Thinned his eyes
4. Thinned and shaped his nose
5. Reduced laugh lines
6. Reduced the amount of green undertone in his skin
I do agree with the statement but the execution is a little flawed Lmao
So you girls was asking, and here it is 1 comments
So long Legend 2 comments
· 2 years ago
Seth Everman, a musician. Apparently he has hardly posted any content for the past couple years so he announced that 2023 will be his last year on the platform. He is also going to try to post as much content as he can this year before the end.
Clownin' Around Day 14 - Kitty Gets Clown'd 3 comments
The true intellectuals 5 comments
I am a dad and I approve of this 2 comments
· 2 years ago
I wish I could see how exactly this mad man attached a strap to his driveway (I know ways to do it, I just really want to see how they did it)
Hold up 4 comments
It's now okay to discriminate racially 18 comments
· 2 years ago
That's what they thought, the union brought a suit against the city, lost, appealed to the state, lost and at that point they were out of funds to do anything else
Beans! 6 comments
· 2 years ago
It has to be that high because of stars right? It would be cool to see a graph that shows an estimate of all of the mass of the stars put together compared with black holes, neutron stars/pulsars, and planets
It's now okay to discriminate racially 18 comments
· 2 years ago
@party05 same thing happened at the departments in my dad's area, they were hiring new lieutenants and the city said all 3 had to be black. Seniority and skill didn't matter. Most of those areas are only running 50% manpower capacity and the city won't let them hire any more either, cause everybody applying is white. It's too the point where if you call 911 in that area, you might not get somebody out for 20-25 min, and this is in the busiest city in Michigan (no not Detroit Lmao)
Hold up 4 comments
· 2 years ago
I'm sure they are there, I'm just very curious, what are the inaccuracies and is there any proof to back them up? I'm wary of a lot of "facts" on the internet especially some that are coming from somebody who has been invaded/at war with the responsible country...
It's freezing today 5 comments
It's freezing today 5 comments
· 2 years ago
Why tf does the tail have a glove, it's just hair down there. Does that mean it's hair can feel??
Skeleton on the peloton 5 comments