A beautiful quote by Denzel Washington 2 comments
· 8 years ago
And kissing with your eyes open all the time would be a little psychotic.
Let's smoke weed and watch the stars 7 comments
Chris Pratt's take on staying motivated. "It will break before you do." 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Had to eat sardiens? Them lil bitches are expensive compred to the amount of actual food you get.
What would you choose? 55 comments
Math in college 20 comments
Star wars battlefront - rip luke skywalker 6 comments
· 9 years ago
For a second i got super exited because I thought it released early after seeing this.
What they used in the past to kill vampires 9 comments
· 9 years ago
We know its not that old Its just themed 1890's that gun is still sold today. Its a cheap derringer.
Sleep tight pupper 243 comments
Here's a movie I'm excited for. Automata 6 comments
What sorcery is this? 15 comments
Thanks obama 21 5 comments
Thanks obama 21 5 comments
White people bruh 7 comments
· 9 years ago
That is a gravity bong being used in a pool. The guy in the water is pretty much chillin in his own personal cloud.
Whatever 9 comments
Mens deodorant usually smell better too 8 comments