A 300-year-old fresco by Andrea Pozzo. The entire ceiling is flat 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I always make that little finger nub
Happy Valentines day! 7 comments
Loneliest feeling ever 23 comments
· 10 years ago
Do you see the blue diamond shape on the back wall of her booth? Just to the right and down a bit, you'll see a slightly darker part of the wall. This is actually her seat companion's beard. It's the only part that you can see, so just imagine the rest of his face and body
Loneliest feeling ever 23 comments
How To Say ‘I Love You’ Around The World 40 comments
· 10 years ago
Dit maak my so bly om afrikaans te sien, ek bly in Kanada, so ek sien dit amper nooit:)
Loneliest feeling ever 23 comments
· 10 years ago
If you look very very carefully, you can juuuuust see the shape of another person. I know it's difficult to see him though, it's becuae he seems to be just a floating head. It's almost as if his body completely blends into its surrounding
Baby announcement 19 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh my god, you can't just say someone's toddler looks like a dog
Awesome homemade game! 3 comments
The weirdest ring bearer 15 comments
I think so 10 comments
67 years without true 3D perception 8 comments
Finding nemo 40 comments
Best catwheels ever 3 comments
Ellen did it 6 comments
This guy is da real mvp 14 comments