

What are this

— thatoneguy Report User
Not college but places 14 comments
thatoneguy · 8 years ago
The only one building a wall and keeping "them" out is you, by leaving them out of the joke and not allowing them to be made fun of, you are segregating them. They only way we can achieve true equality is by not giving a shit about race. Black, white, brown, who gives a shit. I don't put race into account when I make my points because IT DOESNT MATTER
Not college but places 14 comments
thatoneguy · 8 years ago
Why does it have to be a typical white person name? Why can't it just be any name??? "Oh it's a typical black name. Must be racist, right?"
350,000 calories subtracted 10 comments
thatoneguy · 8 years ago
I like the wind waker shirt
I don't even know what to say 16 comments
thatoneguy · 8 years ago
It's fine if gay people get married, I don't agree with it but it's not my place to stop them. However I won't bake a cake for their wedding because I don't support that. Jesus ate with thieves and whores so he could tell them that they need to repent and that God loves them and they are forgiven. He wanted them to turn their lives around. He didn't support adulterey or theft
Well-stated, for a 3rd-grader 26 comments
thatoneguy · 8 years ago
I think I was the first, but I'm not too sure
wow 19 comments
thatoneguy · 8 years ago
Faggots should've been worrying about her kid not her tits
Well-stated, for a 3rd-grader 26 comments
thatoneguy · 8 years ago
Ok thanks man lol
Well-stated, for a 3rd-grader 26 comments
thatoneguy · 8 years ago
How have you not already realized that trump doesn't hate minorities? I'm no Trump supporter but I know bs when I see it
Well-stated, for a 3rd-grader 26 comments
thatoneguy · 8 years ago
How is this well stated this kid is not educated but instead they've been fed lies. No, Donald Trump has no plans of deporting minorities
Iceland and equality 33 comments
thatoneguy · 8 years ago
People complain about shit for the sake of complaining about shit. If you want to make more money then you can ask for a raise or get a higher paying job. If you're a school teacher and make less money than a ceo of a big company, then get a better job instead of just whining about how it's "unfair" and throwing out bs statistics that are taken way out of context. This "wage gap" only exists because the studies took all women and put them against all men. That means that male engineers were put together with female teachers and then they claimed that women only make 70 cents for every dollar a man earns. That's bullshit
Iceland and equality 33 comments
thatoneguy · 8 years ago
The only reason women make less money OVERALL is because women tend to work much lower paying jobs than men do. And that's not because people aren't employing women, it's because the majority of women don't chase after really high paying jobs
Iceland and equality 33 comments
thatoneguy · 8 years ago
Straight bullshit
Iceland and equality 33 comments
thatoneguy · 8 years ago
Well women in America have equal rights also dude they can do anything men can do
Historians will laugh at our generation 87 comments
thatoneguy · 8 years ago
They're gonna laugh because we have terrorism going on way more frequently than we used to and we still haven't done shit
Authoritahhh 1 comments
thatoneguy · 9 years ago
I like the episode where they play border patrol and butters gets lost and some white family thinks he's a lost Mexican immigrant
funny pizza box 6 comments
thatoneguy · 9 years ago
The pizza in the picture looks like a 2 year old made it what the hell
I Love Clowns!!! 12 comments
thatoneguy · 9 years ago
What's this from
Pope Francis needs much respect 17 comments
thatoneguy · 9 years ago
He's a great man
hypocrisy 21 comments
thatoneguy · 9 years ago
Well political correctness seems to be slowly killing our culture
hypocrisy 21 comments
thatoneguy · 9 years ago
So envius, it's free speech if you're trying to shut down a group of people who aren't bothering anyone because they have a different political view than you and you just can't handle it?
hypocrisy 21 comments
thatoneguy · 9 years ago
No it's not what the hell are you talking about. If it was a Bernie rally and a bunch of protesters shut it down everybody would be hella pissed
Would anyone care to be internet friends? 13 comments
thatoneguy · 9 years ago
Additional cons: self loathing. Really down on yourself. You're probably way cooler than you think and you have people that really appreciate you and to hate on yourself is a slap in the face to them. Love yourself. You're worth it. I promise.
13 · Edited 9 years ago
Extreme Conservatives be like. 24 comments
thatoneguy · 9 years ago
Lol ok you make a good point
1 · Edited 9 years ago
That was eloquent as f*ck 20 comments
thatoneguy · 9 years ago
But radical Muslims also don't respect women. That's who he's trying to fight dude
Go back! 7 comments
thatoneguy · 9 years ago
The new cod is pretty fun though