Please let that sitcom happen now. 2 comments
hoo rah 42 comments
· 8 years ago
And by the way, sweetie, I wasn't butthurt. I was simply agreeing with what the post said. But I couldn't possibly expect someone of your age to understand that anyway.
hoo rah 42 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm not under the age of ten you condescending piece of shit. What the post is saying is that people back in the day were willing to give their LIFE for their country and to take down the bastards that were killing innocent people. Now people just hide in their "safe spaces" and cry when they see something on the internet that slightly offends them. Some people need to stop being so damn sensitive and trying to censor everything.
hoo rah 42 comments
Jesus didn't like knockoffs 3 comments
· 8 years ago
Are you serious they're that expensive???? White people will buy anything
The creator of this product deserves hell 13 comments
i highkey love john green 11 comments
Fishmouth syndrome 25 comments
Biggest babies on earth 23 comments
· 8 years ago
If Obama had to step in and defend a republican and tell everyone that, then you know there's a BIG problem
Seriously? 15 comments
· 8 years ago
He did. He was taught how to run businesses and now he's super successful. What's wrong with that?
Seriously? 15 comments
· 8 years ago
Anyone that knows anything about business will know that you won't ALWAYS succeed. You'll fail a few times before you reach success. Look at Trump now and try to tell me he isn't doing well.
This should speak for itself 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Of course college is WAY over priced. Begging definitely won't solve anything though. One suggestion I have is going to a small community college for two years and then transfer to a university if you'd like. You'll save hella money that way
Not college but places 14 comments
· 8 years ago
It really doesn't. The joke could've been about some trashy white kid living in a trailer park and I still would've laughed. I look past race because I couldn't care less about someone's skin color, and neither should you.
Make the empire great again 4 comments
Not college but places 14 comments
If you don't know the person
No matter what they say
Even if they say "kill yourself"
What they say can't hurt you
Don't try to police people and tell them what they can or can't say