If history is forgotten, it will be repeated 7 comments
· 9 years ago
for when you don't know which hairstyle to rock, you rock them all
Every Zelda fan knows. 10 comments
· 9 years ago
which legend of zelda game is that? because I've only played Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword and in TP you just become the chicken for a few seconds
Better than being a tree 7 comments
Uk's grading system 43 comments
· 9 years ago
None of my exams or tests have ever had a plus or minus. We just have A*, A, B etc. and maybe it's just my college idk that's always had really high A* boundaries, it definitely has never been that low before nor has it been for anyone my own age that I've asked. Maybe that's just where I live though :/
This is why I always leave captions on 31 comments
· 9 years ago
I love captions. It means I can be stuffing my face full of food and still hear what's going on
To: Isis 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Russia has also written 'for Paris' on their bombs.
Today's kids 20 comments
· 9 years ago
i remember rewinding 101 Dalmations years ago and playing it to see how far along it was even though it hadnt been rewinding long. I managed to play it on the moment Cruella de Vil's eyes are all crazy, the one moment in the film that I was scared shitless of
My feelings on the anti-terror raids in Paris, summed up 4 comments
· 9 years ago
but we're so nice that even if we do capture them alive they'll have all their rights like entertainment and good showering systems and beds which is way more than they gave their hostages. And they'd probably radicalize other prisoners because they'll most likely be some in there who are angry at the government
It only lasted half an hour 9 comments
· 9 years ago
if it was your first lesson, thats understandable. I'd had about 10 and stalled in the middle of a busy roundabout before bursting the tyre on a curb and my instructor had to pay £40 for it to be fixed. We spent the last half an hour waiting for the car to be returned
All day 4 comments
· 9 years ago
i had an idea a few years ago where the government couldnt keep all of its prisoners in jail so they instead sent them to this park where they had to fight each other to survive and the last one alive was redeemed and given a second chance. A few months later i saw the trailer for the Hunger Games and my dreams were crushed
Just in case you were still lost... 59 comments
· 9 years ago
phoenixsenshi, if a girl is raped and impregnated do you still think she should be made to have the baby, even if she gives it up for adoption after? you think she should spend 9 months against her will (if she's willing to carry the baby then obviously thats great but that can't always be the case) knowing she's carrying the child of her rapist? knowing that whilst the actual rape may be over, technically the rapist is still inside her, since they share DNA and every? do you think she should have to wake up every morning and relive the trauma and not be able to get over it because she's always aware that the father of her baby is her rapist?
So is it a brain malfunction? 11 comments
· 9 years ago
i thought it had something to do with the information from one eye travelling faster to the brain than the other, therefore you 'see' it twice but meh
i miss missing you now and theeeeeeen 7 comments
· 9 years ago
wait is there something wrong with the word peasant? i use it in a jokey way to call my friends
First world problems, british edition 12 comments
· 9 years ago
there's a two minute silence held every 11th November to remember those who died in the World Wars and the cat meowed and basically ruined the silence
Try not to cry 17 comments
· 9 years ago
tbh i think most of the gryffindors idolized Harry Potter for being the boy who lived and for being in gryffindor, which was probably a similar situation to how people acted around James and his friends (since he was popular), whilst the Slytherins can't stand Harry that much, just like Snape couldnt stand James. I'm not saying this excuses anything, but it might be an explanation for why he was so bitter all the time
Just Imagine... 34 comments
· 9 years ago
if you need proof just look at the case of the Pappenheimers. Its a witchcraft case that used horrendous torture but take more notice to the gender-specific torture they used on the mother, specifically to mock her sexuality and motherhood. And unless you really do live in a cave, then you must have some knowledge at what happens to women in Middle Eastern countries, and how women who are raped are sometimes punished themselves because they did not have a male with them, and are therefore seen to blame
Just Imagine... 34 comments
· 9 years ago
look i don't really want to argue, especially not on this post, but I just want to say this. Not being allowed to do the same things as men can be considered as being treated like shit. Women weren't allowed jobs, or were fired the moment they got married and were forced into a housekeeping role because they werent allowed to do the same sort of things as men. And yes, that is being treated as shit, being forbidden from doing something just because of your gender. Also the witchhunt persecutions of the 16th and 17th century. whilst not directly aimed at women, the majority in many countries were women, because their role in society made them susceptible to accusations and because there had always been a prejudice in early Christianity because of the story of Adam and Eve. Women were believed to be the weaker sex
Just Imagine... 34 comments
· 9 years ago
idk, being stoned to death for adultery and having acid thrown at your face seems like being treated like shit to me
I remember the lyrics a little different… 7 comments
True tho 20 comments
· 9 years ago
tbh i think she's the prettiest, especially since she hasnt had anything done
Clever Dj 2 comments
· 9 years ago
British exams you take when you finish senior school. I don't know what the American version is, but you take it when you're in 10th grade (though we call it year 11)
You either be a hero in a crappy superhero movie, or wait for a worse reboot 7 comments
· 9 years ago
i just felt like the 2015 was too rushed :/
it was so easy to defeat Doom, and it was cheesy as hell. one second they try to defeat him but are then like 'nah mate, lets work together' and on their first time they defeat him. the whole battle lasted like 5 seconds.
i just felt like the 2015 was too rushed :/
it was so easy to defeat Doom, and it was cheesy as hell. one second they try to defeat him but are then like 'nah mate, lets work together' and on their first time they defeat him. the whole battle lasted like 5 seconds.
Why is he so angey 22 comments
· 9 years ago
well generally if it gets to that state it means you're brushing your teeth really roughly, which tends to wear away the enamel and/or makes your gums bleed. toothbrushes tend to start to flatten and fray but I've never seen one where the bristles are completely flattened
We know 20 comments
· 9 years ago
just because I happen to think that women go through labour to, idk, perhaps have a baby rather than for the pain doesn't mean I have to be female. I am female, but that has nothing to do with the argument.
We know 20 comments
· 9 years ago
ummm I'm pretty sure that women agree to have another baby because they want another baby, not because they want the pain again. Guys don't get anything after being kicked in the balls. And there are a lot of women who refuse to have another child because of the pain they went through
Edited 9 years ago