That's actually very smart 13 comments
· 9 years ago
because incest can cause mutations in any offspring and therefore is harmful in a child and since animals cant speak the same language as humans, they are seen to not be able to consent, therefore making it harmful. at least, i think that's why it is
non mathematical charts that make total sense part 2 4 comments
· 9 years ago
in the plane one, the person sitting in front of you needs to be someone who puts their chair into the reclining position hard enough to break your knees and keeps it there for the duration of the flight
Edited 9 years ago
Girls And Our Makeup 9 comments
· 9 years ago
idk i guess some people only really feel fine wearing it. I have a friend who has really spotty skin (not from the makeup) and she's really self-conscious about it and so much happier wearing makeup. I know someone else who just likes how it makes her look (like how it can make her a different person, she really loves doing that) and then you have people (like me) who prefer a certain bit of their face over another so they just like to accentuate it. Honestly I guess its just kind of fun for some people and helps them build confidence
Pro-choice 153 comments
· 9 years ago
i don't just mean stuck in a wheelchair, I mean something that's physically painful and humiliating for them
Edited 9 years ago
Pro-choice 153 comments
· 9 years ago
im sorry i was just wondering that if you think abortion is a sign of an unwanted child, what would be your stance on adoption? if a woman was to be raped and carried the child fulltime - possibly causing herself even more trauma at the thought of the same blood of the man who raped her in now growing inside her, another factor of how she can never now truly be away from him - and then was to give the child up for adoption, is that also bad? if she couldn't bear to look at the child as it constantly reminded her of the child's father? i agree that the child has done nothing wrong, but to even risk the mother showing less love towards this child and yet causing herself further pain just sounds worse. and what if the pregnancy was the result of incest? where the child was in danger of dying because of a mutation in the genes, or else being painfully handicapped for the rest of their life?
Too damn late 4 comments
· 9 years ago
ads with fake crosses so when you think you're exiting them, really you're just unloading a whole lot of malware onto your pc
Yes it is 4 comments
· 9 years ago
just dont watch them all backwards. spoiler alert, it turns out Harry actually imagined up the whole thing and he was in his cupboard under the stairs the entire time o.o
I mean... He's just another Justin Bieber right? 42 comments
· 9 years ago
as far as i know there was a cut for zerrie thing but not a zayn one :/
but I think in the zerrie one it was cutting cake and some people took it overboard, idk
but I think in the zerrie one it was cutting cake and some people took it overboard, idk
I have no words 5 comments
p*rnstars 23 comments
· 10 years ago
no offense but i dont think my feelings would really come into it. definitely at first and like i explained, i would definitely urge her to look for something else but it's just like when one of your friends make a really stupid decision or something and you just want to make them stop but you have to respect that they're their own person. I'm only guessing, because I don't have a child, but I imagine that I'd love her too much to isolate and destroy our relationship trying to force her to live the way I want her to live. I can protect her easier if I'm closer, you know?
p*rnstars 23 comments
· 10 years ago
ok for me if it was my daughter then obviously I'd be a lot more against it, because naturally i just wouldn't think she'd be able to think it properly through, whilst my friends are my own age so I can understand easier. So yeah I wouldn't encourage her and I'd try and persuade her to have a degree or whatever but at the end of the day, if it was desperately something she wanted to do then I wouldn't be able to do anything, and I'd rather that she didnt have to go behind my back to do it so I could make sure she was safe and felt comfortable talking to me if anything was wrong
Because feels 54 comments
· 10 years ago
The books in my personal opinion are better, but that's just because Harry's sassier and there's more humor I think. There's also more bits that were cut out the films :)
Because feels 54 comments
· 10 years ago
it is really good, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a fan or because it's common to like it. There's actually a lot of depth in it with the characters, you don't get one character who's irritatingly perfect or gets all the guys/girls ect. Despite all the magic, I find the characters relatable and it's such a good, well-thought out storyline. You don't get all these sudden twists that seem totally random as if J K Rowling just decided to shove it in there, there's a build-up to them. I'll put it this way, the series is so good that I even love the characters of Lockheart and Umbridge (even though they're so annoying and irritating) just because the characters are so refreshingly different to a lot of normal 'mean' characters.
I think the movies are really good, but sometimes they delve into a typical movie set-up, like giving some of Ron's best lines to Hermione to make her better than she already is and setting Ron up as the comic sidekick but they are good.
I think the movies are really good, but sometimes they delve into a typical movie set-up, like giving some of Ron's best lines to Hermione to make her better than she already is and setting Ron up as the comic sidekick but they are good.
They will blow your mind! 18 comments
· 10 years ago
i've had friends who've been with people I've really not liked. Not because they outright cheated on them, but just because their personality was really douchey. Of course I told my friend what I thought, but I never pressed it and kept trying to get them to break up. This might be because I don't have a crush on my friends the same way Jacob had on Bella but I like to think that I still wouldn't ruin a friend's happiness just for my own bitterness, because that person might end up being good. It wasn't that Jacob hated Edward for his personality, it was just because he was a vampire
Could have been his ~amazing~ smile 13 comments
Could have been his ~amazing~ smile 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Didn't he say it was because it was hard to find anyone else who wanted the job? (because a new position was needed each year)
They will blow your mind! 18 comments
· 10 years ago
He always has to just be there.
And of course, the second book where Bella gives up all life because some guy abandoned her. I mean, I get the sadness but this lasts for months and then she purposely puts herself in danger just to see and hear him. I'd understand if Stephanie Meyer worded it so it seemed like it was Edward's irresistible vampireness that makes it so she can't help but be dependent on him like any other victim but she just makes it out to be that Bella can't deal with someone breaking up with her.
And of course, the second book where Bella gives up all life because some guy abandoned her. I mean, I get the sadness but this lasts for months and then she purposely puts herself in danger just to see and hear him. I'd understand if Stephanie Meyer worded it so it seemed like it was Edward's irresistible vampireness that makes it so she can't help but be dependent on him like any other victim but she just makes it out to be that Bella can't deal with someone breaking up with her.
They will blow your mind! 18 comments
· 10 years ago
the way i see it, the plot is actually quite good (the relatable girl who falls in love with a 'dangerous', troubled supernatural) but I just think some of the characters and flaws bring it down. Like Bella is meant to be an ordinary person, she's clumsy and the new kid and kind of socially awkward which is nice because she's not sickly perfect but then almost every guy is trying to go out with her as soon as she joins and people are all trying to be her friend on the first day which I have never seen happen anywhere else. Edward also comes off as good, but far too annoying and protective. He's abandons her and leaves her all for 'her safety' but then just comes running back each and every time. And he won't shut up about how they shouldn't do things because she'll be in danger. But he then does it anyway. And Jacob just comes off as a bit whiny. I mean, I know he's meant to be protective of Bella and against Edward but he just cannot deal with her being with Edward or just let it go.
Because feels 54 comments
Depressed 14 comments
· 10 years ago
It might be for some people, I don't know. I've had depression for the last six months (and a previously two years ago) and although its really typical and not that helpful to just say 'it'll be alright' and 'think of something happy', I appreciate how people are trying to make me happy, rather than just saying something negative like 'stop being sad' or 'people have it worse off' which tends to just lead to guilt and more self-loathing
Depressed 14 comments
· 10 years ago
well at least he's trying, rather than some people who just tell you to stop being sad, rather than trying to uplift your mood
Probaby the best pope ever 60 comments
· 10 years ago
And years ago people would inbreed often with cousins to keep their 'real family'. I don't see many people complaining how we're all suffering since we're not still following through with that
Probaby the best pope ever 60 comments
· 10 years ago
OK i truly don't understand. You say homosexuality is unnatural but are you therefore saying anything unnatural is bad (which would mean we can't ever progress with technology) and that homosexuality is unnatural because, what? People can't have children? In which case couples who can't have children because of medical reasons who stay together are being 'unnatural'? You say we support homosexuality just to 'look cool'. No, trust me a lot of people probably don't. If there came a day where incest became widely accepted because 'love is love' then I wouldn't accept it like I would homosexuality. Why? Because that actually causes damage to the child born. Homosexuality does none of that. And it really depends what you mean by 'real families'. Do you mean families who are all biologically related or people who live together and play the role of families and care and love each other like a family would, despite there being no blood relations? Because then you're sort of against adoption.
You know what they're called? 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Well not only is it incredibly expensive, but we also don't really need to go back to the moon. The moon landings can be considered a publicity stunt, in order to represent American superiority over the Russians, to show how much they could advance further. Since there is no more need for that (because of the end of the Cold War and that) then that's another reason gone. A big reason there was an expedition to land on the moon was to collect data, but as we've already collected that (and the moon is hardly likely to change that much since then) then it would be a waste of money. It's also dangerous to send a manned rocket to the moon. Why would you risk the lives of people when technology has advanced so far that you could do just as much with robots?
Absolute nutters 38 comments
· 10 years ago
it's the fact that they think its so hardcore and odd that makes it funny though