

Christmas is for peasants

— the_grinch Report User
Do you even shoplift? 2 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
Walmart employees cant do shit if they see you stealing. Only managers or AP can stop you. So if you steal shit and get out before management or AP sees ya then you're golden
Of course you'll be on camera, but when has that stopped people
Going to college and realizing you're not that smart 3 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
Customer service
Love this show :D 10 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
The Gooch
Hah, I get it 2 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
His reflexes too good
Blockbuster 5 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
Oh man Radio Shack. I havent heard than name in years and now I know why
Circa 2011 3 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
Cap wasnt racist tho
Animated movie companies gave us some THICC women at the begining of 2000's 2 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
Sinbad was such an excellent movie. Shit all of these movies were fucking fantastic
And Freddie wrote the song all by himself 7 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
The song is purposefully left ambiguous so people can find their own meaning
Where is the lie? 7 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
Legend of Korra is like the first horse
Channeling tyler durden 3 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
Well, it's their money that theyve worked hard for. If they want to spend it on a $1000 stand then they can. Is it a smart decision? Probably not. But in the end it's their money to do with as they please
My best friend is a water buffalo. 3 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
Everybody's got a water buffalo. You know yours is fast, butbmine is slow
Disillusioned retarded moldy Cheetah 12 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
I have no idea what hes talking about
Squint your eyes 2 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
I just take off my glasses
Rule 34 can not be stopped. 11 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
Yeah rule 34 wasted zero time on that
Apple - Creates stunning $999 monitor stand. China - "BRB" 2 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
Knock offs are sometimes better
Hell yeah 6 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
I'm calling Shenanigans unless someone can provide a reliable source
Om nom nom chomp 4 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
I get angry when I hear people smack their lips while eating or use their teeth to get the food off their spoons or forks
Hang on. 5 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
Why have the power bills kill you when the power itself can dry ya
Godzilla 15 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
This was made by Godzilla fans for Godzilla fans. When Gidorah did that awesome lighteni g pose towards the end I swear i almost squealed like a basic bitch. Shit was fire
Pokemon Go, the revolution for a better you 9 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
2060: Pokemon "go to the poles" makes a comeback
I would advise everyone to play 'A Plague Tale' game, the game has a 2 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
This game was awesome. I loved the ending
This game is crazy dark, but I still liked it
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Apple right now 2 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
People who buy overly priced items are either stupid or flexing
I know is outdated. But Apple fans are still the same 6 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
I thought the whole $1000 apple stand was a joke. Turns out it was real
Me: Mom, I'm going to a protest Mom: Did u eat some fruit? Me: Yes mom 2 comments
the_grinch · 5 years ago
Gonna fuck people up with that Gum Gum Axe!