Twitter suspends anime outsiders for showing vic as innocent 35 comments
· 5 years ago
Bruh I still care. I've been trying to Google it like once a week but the only update I've found is that hes using Funimation for defamation
United we stand 4 comments
Strange 9 comments
:Heart_eyes: 3 comments
Cold Bread-skordahlia 108 comments
· 5 years ago
derby horse names are so unique is because they can never have a repeat name for record purposes. Even if the horse is retired or dead
derby horse names are so unique is because they can never have a repeat name for record purposes. Even if the horse is retired or dead
What is this, a crossover episode? 6 comments
· 5 years ago
This is old news. It's been in production for a while now AND origional people from the first show are help producing it so I'm highly confident that it's going to be amazing
For anyone that hasn't seen it yet 12 comments
Impress your big woman 19 comments
This 'security' gate is just a ladder 7 comments
I still hear it, even if you don't 3 comments
· 5 years ago
The youngest child that said "it wasnt me" was actually the one who did it. She made a video about it
Obviously 9 comments
· 5 years ago
Right path as in the one that compliments or encourages your ideals or beliefs
So they invented an Egg Boiling Shell to boil eggs without a shell. It is made of plastic 17 comments
So they invented an Egg Boiling Shell to boil eggs without a shell. It is made of plastic 17 comments
Use wisely ( gonna get deleted in a week) 7 comments
Use wisely ( gonna get deleted in a week) 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Guest, I swear to God, you better have been fucjibg lying or I will find you and murder you
Painted this dagon a while back. Hope you guys like it. Any dragon fans in here? 4 comments
· 5 years ago
"I painted this"
Sees watermark of real artist
Why dont you actually do something yourself instead of stealing the works of others you piece of shit
Sees watermark of real artist
Why dont you actually do something yourself instead of stealing the works of others you piece of shit
A friendly reminder 10 comments
· 5 years ago
There are people who are posting normal looking news articles, but when you click then its Endgame spoilers.
Dont click anything guys
Dont click anything guys
Use wisely ( gonna get deleted in a week) 7 comments