

— thecoolchristian Report User
Leonardo dacaprio 6 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
Ah yes, reminds me of the titanic
Alter ego 6 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
Yes, but clones differ in that they do not have your memories
Alter ego 6 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
Way off mark. It was still you, you're not a different person, you're just operating out of a different body
Buena partida, Profesor! 2 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
Fire him
Tilt-shift is used to make large scenes seem tiny 6 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
What is it a picture of
Throwing a bowling ball onto thick ice 11 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
Jell-O shots in syringes for Medschool party 9 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
@mathewg it was a joke you ignorant slut
Apples cut from above 10 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
wasn't me sourpuss
#girlproblems 2 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
yeah that's the point of the picture. If only she would get out of the parking lot she would have people to confide in and she'd magically open up!
Apples cut from above 10 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
stop being a dick. It looks cool, your comment is aggressive and unnecessarily antagonistic
Apples cut from above 10 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
It's saying the view point is from above
Still my favorite quote 7 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
what is this from
Feed a fox once and he'll gonna show up like this everyday 6 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
Black vs white 8 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
Muslins/muslims 10 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
why did she capitalize muslin? She also said "Muslins", like you would say Muslims, when the plural of muslin is muslin. I think it was meant as a joke.
11 · Edited 6 years ago
Jell-O shots in syringes for Medschool party 9 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
You should not put that in your bloodstream
Well, I guess I'll have to turn around 4 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
poor guy. But that's what he gets for being too afraid of a guy that looks like he knows what he's doing.
But what's your sign? 9 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
You believe that horoscopes are accurate measures of personality?
But what's your sign? 9 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
Are you joking
That'd be a fun experiment 9 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
The sound would multiply together. Its not a meow with the power of all the cats in the world, its all the cats in the world meowing. It would be unnoticeable. Unless you work at petco.
Fear of the unknown 11 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
I'm not afraid of toddlers! I'm afraid of their teeth!
Those nails tho 7 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
I thought she had really small feet before I realized she was wearing heels
Just another question in a school book 15 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
I definitely don't come out soft
I heard some people have rubber duck fetish 5 comments
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
why is it blindfolded tho