

— TheFandomisRising Report User
He always jumps into the tub after a shower. , meet Lou 4 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
I don't understand why cats do that. Like it's wet, you would have liked it better when it was dry.
Karma's a b*tch 5 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Hopefully that comes with an on/off switch, because some hosts may want to actually respect their members privacy.
If not, then it should.
The host doesn't know why various apps are open on other's computers.
Who dat mf 1 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Rex is that you?
He really did 6 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
You say they can quit, but can they really? I'm willing to bet some of the officers don't because they're not in a good financial position to quit.
"But they can still look for a different job!"
Yes, and that can take awhile.
Point is, they can't necessarily just quit their police job on the spot.
I give up. 16 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
We won't know until December 14th if he actually has or not.
RIP to these two legends 4 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Are they Alex Trebeck and Sean Connery?
Lol whoops 6 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Hey, sometimes you just gotta act like nothing happened.
(Side note: Please don't apply this logic if you get caught doing anything illegal).
Political posting 5 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Wow, do you need a snickers? Because I just stated my thoughts, at no point was I pushing anything. There was no need for the outburst. Have a good rest of your evening.
Political posting 5 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Considering how things are going, maybe he should...
With what's going on, we honestly may be better off redoing the election if they can't resolve things in a timely manner, (with the necessary precautions taken of course. More security, stricter policies, whatever it takes to get an accurate ballot count).
I've seen officer elections in youth led organizations handled better than this.
ping 350 5 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Do you want to fail your class? Because that's how you fail your class.
As seen on Twitter 2 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
I feel like that should make some sort of logical sense, but I don't know how.
It's been a long way nanananana 6 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
I'm sure we'll get more material with Biden. No one can escape the memes.
Well would you look at that 4 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
I don't know. However when I think of rodents, I think of only the small ones like mice, rats, and guinea pigs.
Well would you look at that 4 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
I have to remind myself that Capybaras are classified as rodents.
Anxiously 17 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
No kidding. I've already seen people who act like they have more control in the election than they actually do.
Both eligible to vote, and teenagers who might just be a tad too passionate at the moment. I'm not trying to insult or belittle said teenagers, as they will inherit the country and all its problems, but they need focus more on their schoolwork and less on the shitshow.
Anxiously 17 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
I know. This is ridiculous.
Anxiously 17 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Well, I did not expect to see an intensely staring David Tennant today...
*Casually flips back to Google and sighs when the Election still isn't over*
6 · Edited 4 years ago
schef 4 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Not gonna lie, the bell pepper tea doesn't sound that bad.
Today? 2 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Okay listen. Better late than never.
However, I also agree that hand washing should be required everywhere in the food service industry, no exceptions.
And how long ago was "today"? Last week? Last month? When the pandemic first came to the US?
A pic in my bra ! 7 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
It used to be possible, might ask if it still is.
uber 1 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
He probably didn't find out until a while later after it happened.
sharpie 6 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
If you have the water running fast enough, these kind of colanders will indeed fill up faster than they drain.
Now the wire mesh ones on the other hand...
Check back in three days or so 6 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
No, kidding. That's probably the point of the statue.