

— TheFandomisRising Report User
A bad scene, man (Washer and Dryer as a gift for the wife) 7 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Just don't give housework helping appliances as gifts.
If you're doing it just because and giving them an upgrade in the process, then MAYBE it's justifiable.
But just don't do it at all.
Uh ... Pass? 11 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
With a currently high risk of asphyxiation? No thanks.
Predictive DNA for the Truly bored 45 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
I just took a DNA test, turns out I have to go to the store and get some rest and feel better soon.
Save the drama for your predictive text (Maury Edition) 27 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
When asked if you could please send me the address and I'll be there in a few minutes.
You said you were going to be a little late to the party.
The lie detector proved that was a good one for you and one for the team.
...the coherence makes me uncomfortable...
From the socially-distanced, peaceful protest in St Albans, England 8 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
I agree that statues of those kind of people shouldn't have been built in the first place, but since they have been, the proper place for them is in a museum, not in the trash.
Like it or not, those statues are apart of history, destroying them, or disposing them in an improper manner is going to screw us over.
As for melting them down and forging the metal into something useful... I understand that, but I don't know if I necessarily agree with it.
And this is a fact 9 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
I know someone who is white, and was born in Africa, so no, not true.
Awake but at what cost 6 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Squirtle lookin' a little high there.
Holding Arlo's Paw 4 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Arlo is a cutie-patootie pie.
And yes, I will keep commenting that everytime this picture is posted on here.
The cutest Magikarp you ever did see 2 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
I see this pic every so often, and I genuinely hope that the kid either has, or will cosplay Gyarados.
Bonus points if John Barrowman is in that picture too.
Precious 8 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
The cat looks like a roughed up sailor.
They seem to enjoy them 3 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
You seem to have a couple of clouds hanging out in your backyard.
Jokes aside, those are some gorgeous babies.
bruhh 4 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
She should have followed the guidelines.
Cat surrounded by watermelons 4 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
D'aww, c'mere for some scritches little one.
Commas are important 1 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Spaces too, it seems.
Successful regular puzzling Armadillo 4 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Because that's like the way of life in Texas, and other southern states.
Wufli 10 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
That may be the case, however the post in talking about dying, nothing else.
Wufli 10 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
The virus probably isn't going to kill them anyway, they're too young and healthy for that.
Stairs of Fascination 9 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
That only works for the first step taken, and could very well still lead to injury.
Stairs of Fascination 9 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Screw everyone who doesn't lead with the left foot, am I right?
It's an acquired taste 3 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Orange: I told you George, but did you listen? Noooo...
Never raw 4 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
The fact that McDonald's might actually taste better than some of the food he's sampled from higher end restaurants was not something I considered thinking about today.
Moanin' Lisa 1 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Some cover versions are actually good, or even better than the original though.
Cleaning Out My Office and Found Something Most of You Have Probably Never Seen 5 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Floppy disks? Yes.
Looney Tunes themed floppy disks? No.
Amusing title. Please chuckle to yourself 6 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
Must be European.
NOTE: THAT IS A JOKE. Avocados are considered exotic in places like France, and so, they don't necessarily know the correct/safest way to cut an avocado, which can and does lead to them losing the use of one of their hands.
mate =( 13 comments
thefandomisrising · 4 years ago
I am slightly confused.