The "D" in Dimitrescu is for "Dinosaur." Not whatever you were thinking 2 comments
· 3 years ago
I wasn't expecting wholesome Lady Dimitrescu memes, but I am here for them.
Solid answer 3 comments
· 3 years ago
I've always interpreted it in a "Happy they want to spend time and effort on me" sense, but I see what you mean.
Archbishop Damaskinos of Chad-thens 1 comments
Hacker targetting child abusers 5 comments
· 3 years ago
Just uh... How big is the Google search library...?
I know it's a huge amount, but I'm having trouble comprehending just how big his impact was.
I know it's a huge amount, but I'm having trouble comprehending just how big his impact was.
Now we’re asking the real questions 12 comments
· 3 years ago
Not quite. 5 minute crafts looks like a child friendly YouTube channel on the surface, but they showcase and promote projects that are actually dangerous, or just straight up don't work like they should.
Mom, I swear it wasn't me 2 comments
· 3 years ago
Plot twist: Since that's Lady Dimestriscu, (spelling?), The person on the other end was absolutely looking for an excuse to call and flirt with her.
Whom is next? 1 comments
· 3 years ago
How old is this tweet? Because I could have sworn Canada Dry did use real ginger.
Much original shitpost 3 comments
· 3 years ago
So the girl's whose minimum healthy weight is above 150 pounds...?
Jokes aside, double standards suck don't they?
Jokes aside, double standards suck don't they?
How you got time to text me, bruv? 7 comments
· 3 years ago
Both sides need to be more polite, but if you're gonna ask someone to come in on their day off, you shouldn't be surprise if they say no.
I'm a dinosaur, that's why I didn't know 69 comments
The picnic battle 3 comments
· 3 years ago
That's what people did back then, they would pack a picnic and go watch a battle from the sidelines.
Always doing too much 1 comments
· 3 years ago
A swift elbow to the chest if any of my friends try that with me, (they won't, we all know better than to even interrupt each other when we're on a phone call, save for something important, but still).
When did Google have a sex reassignment? 3 comments
· 3 years ago
I get it, we live in an age where the answer to our questions is a google search away, but when someone asks such a question, our response shouldn't be, "google it", we've basically just told the person that they're not worth the few minutes it would take to answer it, which makes us look bad. I don't want to hang around a person who can't be bothered to spare a few minutes to educate someone, would you? Besides, Google can't can't answer in a personal way like another human can. Google just gives you the answer, it doesn't necessarily explain why the answer is what it is.
They really did it 1 comments
· 3 years ago
Potential security risks aside, that's actually kinda nice of them, saves the player the frustration and trouble.
Its all part of the play 3 comments
· 3 years ago
It's not for no reason. They do that to entertain the guests who are waiting on drinks.
It is fine, and I'me tired of pretending it's not 5 comments
· 3 years ago
Personally, I prefer normal, as that's usually the easiest setting that still allows you to unlock perks/buffs, essentially making easy, practice mode, (outside of "pity mode"... No, not demeaning, I have at least one game that actually calls it that), but if you wanna play on easy for a little while, then go for it. Hell, there's leaderboards for challenges specifically done on easy difficulty.
Hyenas loaf 11 comments
· 3 years ago
I would have thought they were a type of dog, but I like the truth.
Megamind 8 comments
· 3 years ago
"I fully agree with the negative/offensive thing you said about me", is one of my favorite tropes.
I’ve won 4 comments
· 3 years ago
I have, nice man, wants to pursue a degree in electrical engineering.
Bruh gimme that Tuesday note 4 comments
· 3 years ago
And this is why, if I even get a boyfriend, he's not getting access to my phone... At least, not until he's proven he won't do this, and even then, he still probably won't have access to it.
Wholesome 9 comments
Alfa 2 comments
· 3 years ago
I just realized that these are the more HD versions of those faces... You know...
Woman1: I can't believe he didn't cry during Titanic.
Woman 2: Do men even have emotions?
Man: *Crying at Mufasa's death*
Woman1: I can't believe he didn't cry during Titanic.
Woman 2: Do men even have emotions?
Man: *Crying at Mufasa's death*