ITS COLD 22 comments
· 9 years ago
He's really asking himself why he didn't take a warmer coat.. just watch his desolating face
Scented candles 20 comments
Know the difference 12 comments
It's sharp as hell 9 comments
· 10 years ago
As I said in another post, we have had 3 bloody days. Yesterday and today, people have been killed in the name of a religion which has been misused by people who did not undertsand its words. So not only for Charlie Hebdo, also pray for these people who were in the wrong place at the wrong moment, as almost 20 people have been killed in 3 days.
Je suis Charlie et tous les autres
Je suis Charlie et tous les autres
As a fellow European citizen 37 comments
· 10 years ago
Just wanted to write again to say that we have lived 3 tragedy in 3 days. Today, 4 people have been killed for religion again, in a Kasher market. Charlie Hebdo's killers have been killed by the police today too. It's a dramatic thing that is spreading through France and also in the whole world.
Je suis Charlie et je suis tous ceux qui sont morts aujourd'hui et les jours précédents
(I am Charlie and I am every one who has been killed today and the days before)
Je suis Charlie et je suis tous ceux qui sont morts aujourd'hui et les jours précédents
(I am Charlie and I am every one who has been killed today and the days before)
As a fellow European citizen 37 comments
· 10 years ago
To be more precise, 2 men went into Charlie Hebdo's building wednesday. This magazine was about caricatures, denouncing problems of our french society and years before, they had made a caricurature of the muslim prophet, Mahomet. So wednesday, these two men went to "revenge" Mahomet and they killed 12 people. There was 4 caricaturists but also muslims people and a policeman (which makes no sense..) working for Charlie Hebdo. Today they have found these two men but they have kidnapped some people in a factory but they are about to be trapped
It's sharp as hell 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Thank you for posting about this murder. Hope people will understand that we're all moved by what has happened wednesday and pray for them all
Expensive restaurants be like 18 comments
· 10 years ago
Come in France and you'll eat it for (almost) free ^^
(by the way, in France we call it "la pomme de terre" or "une patate")
(by the way, in France we call it "la pomme de terre" or "une patate")
Tumblr summed up in one post 13 comments
Chocolate kebab is here 7 comments
· 10 years ago
"crêpes" are just like pancakes, they are just tighter. And it's really really REALLY tasty ;)
Amazing coincidence 14 comments
· 11 years ago
Could you explain what is the letter sequence for Mr Mcdo's story? I'm french, sorrry
Oh, vegans 12 comments
Omelette du fromage 22 comments
My reaction when the pen*s game gets intense 20 comments