Can’t stop laughing 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Also it depends, if this happened in Times square in NYC it would be fixed quickly, but if it happened in a small town somewhere it probably wouldn't be fixed at all. I'm certain how many people use the road will impact the time it takes any government to fix problems like this, even in countries that will generally fix their road problems quickly even in rural areas, I am certain it would take longer in rural areas than cities.
Can’t stop laughing 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Also it depends, if this happened in Times square in NYC it would be fixed quickly, but if it happened in a small town somewhere it probably wouldn't be fixed at all. I'm certain how many people use the road will impact the time it takes any government to fix problems like this, even in countries that will generally fix their road problems quickly even in rural areas, I am certain it would take longer in rural areas than cities.
No! First real?! 9 comments
· 4 years ago
When I was a kid we put bowls outside and let them catch falling snow, then put syrup on the snow and ate it out of the bowl. But I live in a town of only about 12,000 people.
Edited 4 years ago
Perspective 2 comments
· 4 years ago
"I'm not lazy, I'm just in the wrong time" -lazy psychic, anytime in the last decade
As a lawyer, I can confirm 9 comments
· 4 years ago
Also, while some people find the right person and get married young and it works out well, I know for certain that some people get married young to the person they believed was right for them at the time and aren't happy later but won't leave their spouse because they have invested too much into this. The person you marry should be someone you are certain about being with. I don't think you can be certain of that without a strong sense of who you are and who they are.
Anon is a terrible DM 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Generally, I have found that the most fun and interesting characters are not defined by their class archetype. We had a party at one time that had the most religious undead barbarian you will evercome across, but she couldn't take claric levels because her god was blind to the undead
vector 3 comments
· 5 years ago
The first two steps are real, the actual final evolution is called Inteleon. And he is a blue bipedal chameleon with a yellow cape
Off to the pub! 1 comments
That one friend from high school 2 comments
· 5 years ago
It's unfair how beautiful humans can be. Seriously, pick a demographic of people, you will find someone who is just stunning.
The Fifth Type of Irish Song is about what you do with the mad lad from the first song 7 comments
· 5 years ago
What you do is, post the link like you did, then edit your comment and remove the dot. Then you post the edit and you have a clickable link
The d*ck makes it better 4 comments
· 5 years ago
I feel like sending sick pics back in response to unsolicited dick pics might be the best way to fight unsolicited dick pics. Is there anyway to turn this into a movement?
Great job 9 comments
· 5 years ago
He was beaten to death. Locals at the bar did not take kindly to him becoming violent with a waitress who refused his advances.
Black magic 5 comments
· 5 years ago
It also an ancient alchemy symbol representing the combination of the four classical elements. It is still used by some Wiccans in this way, though not often to avoid such confusion. That was my first thought when I saw it.
About one in 1000 fur seals are born pale blonde 36 comments
ITS TIME! FACE REVEAL! 25 comments
· 5 years ago
Happy Birthday!
And you can be @creativedragonbaby as long as you want. After all, I'm @thekaylapup and I'm 26
And you can be @creativedragonbaby as long as you want. After all, I'm @thekaylapup and I'm 26
Please don't take my sunshine away 11 comments
· 5 years ago
I have a theory. Testing below.
Tested: They aren't clickable, but you can post entire URLs this way
Edited 5 years ago
Tested: They aren't clickable, but you can post entire URLs this way
This is how it is sometimes 7 comments
· 5 years ago
No child left behind did a lot of damage to all students. But children who are advanced and children who struggle were more affected than average students.
Teaching to the test does not make students smarter, happier, improve life skills, improve job skills, or prepare one for college. It makes students better at taking tests. Which means the harder schools push being better suited for tests, the less any of the other areas can be addressed at all. Remedial classes have proven to hold students back from progressing normally, rather than help the student really improve. And when more money goes into programs like special education and remedial classes, less money can go to advanced classes and arts programs and other enrichment programs.
Teaching to the test does not make students smarter, happier, improve life skills, improve job skills, or prepare one for college. It makes students better at taking tests. Which means the harder schools push being better suited for tests, the less any of the other areas can be addressed at all. Remedial classes have proven to hold students back from progressing normally, rather than help the student really improve. And when more money goes into programs like special education and remedial classes, less money can go to advanced classes and arts programs and other enrichment programs.
This is how it is sometimes 7 comments
· 5 years ago
I don't know the details of why it's like that in other parts of the world. I know it's really prevalent in the United States because if the way funding is determined.
Cozy tiny house 9 comments
· 5 years ago
The only way to have a fridge under your house would be if you built it up higher than needed on top of the trailer, which will cut I to head space if you need ot to be transportable at all. I don't know the laws in Europe, so you will need to do research about maximum trailer height and width. And remember anything on the side of your house counts as width for legal purposes.
Spent a good few hours on it back in the day 6 comments
· 5 years ago
That's probably true. But so long as there are still people left in a active economy it will come back out better in the long run. It's going to be a rough journey though, for sure.
This is how it is sometimes 7 comments
· 5 years ago
This is largely because of the way schools in the United States receive funding. It doesn't really matter what the upper end scores, what effects funding is a. How many kids are above the minimum qualifications for their grade. And b. How far below the others are. It's more important to funding that students pass the tests than that students do well. And keeping kids who are likely to do poorly in special classes where they are allowed additional time and aid on those tests really helps the bottom line.