

TheKaylaPup Report User
Obesity 19 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
It's often difficult to get enough protein in your diet without meat, especially on a budget. Totally doable, just can be difficult. And it definitely requires an understanding of nutrition, something not everyone has. In fact, lack of education in many things, including nutrition, is particularly common in impoverished areas.
Obesity 19 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
This is only sort of true. Some healthy foods like beans and rice are actually super cheap. But healthier meat is almost always more expensive than comparable processed meat, and boxed pasta is one of the cheapest options available. And living in mac and cheese on ramen is very unhealthy, but also very inexpensive.
Also, due to city layouts the poor in cities often have a much easier time getting to McDonald's than getting to a grocery store. And that's besides the fact that keeping or cooking food isn't always an option at all.
Obesity 19 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Nope, neither of these things. Humans are willing to pay more for healthier food, so companies charge more to maximize profits.
Moving on up 9 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
At the end of the day, I don't want to live it a world where everyone's drunk self is their best self. True to their own internal goodness
or badness. I think humans as a species are so much better than that.
Moving on up 9 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
This is actually a ethical philosophical argument that has persisted for centuries. On one side it says that a good person is a person who wants to do good things. On the other side it says a good person is a person who chooses to do good things, regardless of their emotions on the subject.
This is of course a simplification, but that's the basic idea. I believe people are good people because they choose to do good things regardless of how they feel. And even more than that I believe that it's better for the world to believe that. Because ultimately, most of us are running around wanting to do good and bad things. And its damning to promote that wanting to do bad things, even if you don't do them, is bad. It's also hopeless. And "why shouldn't I do bad things, I'm already a bad person, I might as well reap the benefits" The idea that says bad people are people who want to do bad things also fundamentally undermines impulse control, which is important for everyone.
Moving on up 9 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Sounds like Jake is in fact a good guy. And your ex definitely needs to make some life changes and I'm really glad that you are not in that kind of relationship anymore.
I just want to point out that just not getting drunk is a really valid option, and doing terrible things when your drunk doesn't make you a bad person. Continuing to get drunk even though you know it's a problem does. Alcohol is great, in moderation. But getting drunk is often a bad decision, even for people whose reaction to being drunk is harmless.
"The hell is this?" 6 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
It kinda does. If essential oils is a gun, and your murder is diseases then it should be easy to see how essential oils (the gun) can get rid of certain illnesses (murderers) but not measles (jason).
Don't get me wrong, I don't think either the oils or the gun is nessicary the best solution to this problems, but to deny that is sometimes is a solution would be stupid. And intentionally or not the above post implies that.
Simple life 12 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Maybe, but in today's world people don't fear witches. The kids would have to think you were Muslim to have a chance of getting people worked up enough to burb down your house with you inside.
Simple life 12 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Convince them you are a good witch. Make them "potions" for things like confidence, then use that as an excuse to make them drink vegetables.
true legend 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I assume she is in 5th grade. In some places Middle school is grades 5-8. She is a little young to be in 5th grade, but sometimes that happens. Kids start school a little early.
Joksters 13 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
What I find baffling about this is they got an A-. I would definitely be questioning if the student even wrote this paper themselves.
How science works 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Historian: All the events that lead up to us going there
Avatar 2 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Man who has avoided responsibilities for a hundred years spends a year traveling around with teenagers and learning to use magic to fix his problems.
Deus Veult 7 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Fun fact: Martin Luther wasn't trying to start a new religion, he was trying to advocate reforms in the Catholic church. However due to his criticism of the church the church the church condemned him. And then he formed a new church with those who agreed with him. The Catholic reformation was started only after Martin Luther had founded protestantism. Presumably in part because the Pope at the time was not the same man who condemned Martin Luther. The Pope that condemned Martin Luther was dead before the Catholic reformation started.
Mummy dinosaur 19 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Its floral, and she gets paid to do it. That's her job.
That'd be kinda cool, but I don't actually like to travel. It gives me anxiety. Travel was always a bad experience for me when I was a kid. As result I don't leave the state often and when I do it's to somewhere I can drive to in a day without getting up early, or staying out late. And I have a 1 hotel per trip limit. The farthest from home I've been in my adult life is only about 6 hours away. The farthest I've moved is only about 10 min, though I was seriously considering closer to an hour away when I found the place I live now.
I live in a small town in the midwest, so museums aren't really in any kind of supply.
I watch documentaries and read about history and get to talk about what I know whenever its relevant to strangers on the internet, so all that is pretty cool.
Mummy dinosaur 19 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Yet, the War in Iraq was part of something bigger. It was part of an effort to combat a religious extremist terrorist movement. And that story isn't over. Children were hurt in a bombing suspected to be done by the Islamic State in Iraq yesterday. The Paris attacks were less than 4 years ago. We don't have enough perspective to know what the long term effects of this will be.
And I personally, prefer to gain understanding how how the world has been shaped, as opposed to speculation on how it will be shaped.
Mummy dinosaur 19 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
It's not that I dislike recent history, I just prefer to listen to an older person tell me their life story, colored by recent history, than to hear about their involvement with particular events. Also, if the history is too recent than I feel as though the narrative its telling is particularly incomplete. I don't know how history will remember the US war in Iraq. I don't know what it will do to shape the world moving forward. I mean, propaganda and protects was near nonexistent on the homefront. And the Vietnam war was a propaganda and protest shitshow and that whole war isn't even touched on by American public schools. US public schools typically never get past WW2, and if they do, it's to talk about the civil rights movement. And if the war is discussed at all, it's only really the hippie movement that gets discussed. It's the fact that people tore up their draft cards which appalled their parents. It's never about why we entered the war or how we lost. We don't talk about it.
Mummy dinosaur 19 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
No, she didn't go to college because her family needed her to help take care of her grandmother, and that was too much to balance with work and school. Now she works for a greenhouse making sure that the plants that are sold by stores the greenhouse distributes to are taken care of. Which mostly involves making sure other people are doing their jobs and often involves setting up displays and sometimes involves watering plants. Basically she's a plant care supervisor.
I enjoy studying history, but I have no desire to attempt to do so professionally. Typically I prefer studying history that's old enough that no one alive remembers it, but recent enough that we have a fairly decent grasp on what happened both in the event and the events surrounding. For the most part I prefer western history from After the fall of Troy, and before the end of WW2. (I know people are alive who remember WW2, but the whole history of how WW2 came to happen is so interesting that I enjoy studying it anyway).
Mummy dinosaur 19 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Not exceptionally. But my best friend wanted to be a paleontologist as a child, so I guess it's kinda cool to talk to someone who might actually be a paleontologist someday.
Also I think it's always great when people are able to work in fields they are excited about I literally can't imagine having a job studying dinosaurs and finding that dull. You know what I mean?
Personally I find human history to be more interesting, because I like the narrative. I enjoy gaining understanding of how events effected peoples which in turn effected events.
Mummy dinosaur 19 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Wow. That's a lot. I wish you the best of luck with whatever you pursue and hope it brings you happiness.
Do you enjoy the internship?
How to lose weight without going to gym starter pack. 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
She lost the guy
Tumblr compilation 19 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
If that is the case, their mothers would simply need to make sure the. Baby got to the surface quickly enough.
Obviously none of this applies if mermaids are not aquatic mammals, as in such a case they likely would not give live birth.
Tumblr compilation 19 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
So, I doubt anyone will see this or is interested in mermaid reproduction, but I have some theories.
Obviously one must assume mermaids exist for this theory. Also that they are aquatic mammals.
Given that, mermaids are likely to share some truths with dolphins. Dolphins have slits that keep their gentialia protected from the ocean, while also allowing access for reproduction, or gay one night stands, whatever that particular dolphin is into.
And, not surprisingly, dolphins give birth this way. Pushing the baby dolphin out of both its vagina and also the slit , sort of all at once. Dolphins are born tail first which prevents baby dolphins from drowning. I would assume the same would be true for mermaids, though this would make mermaids birth less safe that either dolphinir human birth as mermaids could still suffer some of the complications that arise from having children born in breech position. It is atleast possible that mermaids would be born head first, like humans.
Don't leave you laptop unattended.. 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I'm guessing she was logged in onber phone as well
Deus Veult 7 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Also, Martin Luther was against it because he believed you couldn't buy your way into heaven, which was exactly how indulgences were being presented.
Also, poor people were starving themselves in order to afford them because they promise of eternal paradise seemed like a better investment than survival.