

— TheKaylaPup Report User
How old were you when you found out? 8 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I have done further research myself, and while bread fraud was definitely a real thing I am unable to find any information about the use of a hole in a board to do so. I know that I read it somewhere, but in hindsight I cannot be certain it was a credible source. To read more about bread fraud,
It is just a 'mentally ill' person sorting out his issues 57 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I agree that mental illness isn't a write off to do whatever you want, but I also think its worth while to look into attempting to help people before tragedy strikes. Mental health services should be easier to obtain, and there shouldn't be the stigma that there is. Many people refuse to acknowledge they have mental illness because there is stigma associated with it. Admitting you have a problem is the first step in correcting it. And with mental health problems the second step is usually seeking professional assistance. Those need to be easier steps. Evey step after is going to be hard sometimes regardless of society, but those need to be easier.
We need to hold people accountable for their actions. But we also need to help people who need help.
How old were you when you found out? 8 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Alternatively you just have inferior cutting boards.
Also, historically speaking holes in boards they made bread on were there explicitly for the purpose of pulling out dough and shorting the customer. It's not unlikely that the orginal intended use for holes in cutting boards was in fact for putting food through. Regardless of if manufacturers of cutting boards bother to consider this when designing cutting boards today.
Tag em if you know em 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
The Kool Aid Man = Mr. Right?
Wise words 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Actually unhealthy behaviors often lead to early aging, so trying to be healthy does actually add to your youth. You just don't get old as quickly basically.
title 5 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
This makes it even more heartbreaking. (It's true by the way, look it up) 18 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Or possibly just because that is how that man would greet anyone walking into a mosque. I'm not familiar with what would be customary in his culture, but I do know many churches where I am from it is typical to greet other attendees as fellow children of God. I don't think "Hello brother" would even come of as worth a second thought.
No doubt it takes a brave man to greet someone in this way when the situation is so potentially deadly, but I don't nessicary think it's a weird response in and of itself.
Baby and Bulldog Born on Same Day Think They’re Brothers 17 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Kids raised around pets actually tend to be healthier for this reason. They are also less likely to get allergies especially to pet dander.
I found out today one of my Northern friends had never seen or even heard of the 11 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I live in the midwest and have eaten a chimichanga before. Through the ones available locally are smaller.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
They Can't Even See You 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Yeah, semi drivers sleep in the back at rest stops often enough
If this is real, I say 100 isn't enough 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Little late
Everyone hold real still and say paws 39 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I'm to the right and behind @alakazam Just being nervous as hell about all the doggos surrounding me. I have social anxiety
Well that worked surprisingly well 2 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
So it's a bogart? And the thing Harry fears most is Beatrix LaStrange
An unlimited supply 10 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Yeah. Not all drug dealers are bad people. Some are, but most of the ones who are are going to have criminal charges other than drugs. Moreover drug users aren't all bad people. Most people arrested for drugs aren't the ringleaders of drug trafficking circles. The most common drug charge is possession. And people who possess drugs are far more often users than dealers. And using drugs doesn't make you a bad person. Sometimes drug users are bad people. And sometimes drug users become worse people after they start using drugs. And yes, sometimes this is because of the drugs.
But saying all people arrested on drugs charges are bad people is like saying all atheists are bad people. At some point you either need to accept that you're wrong about who is a bad person, or you need to accept that what you believe makes a person bad is not universally accepted and also very biased.
Finally done 4 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Tldr; yes
I remember this.. God I'm old 40 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I owned a car with cigarette lighters in it. I still didn't know what this was until I read the comments. Its actually a bad angle when you consider that usually you only looked at that thing at that angle if you were actively using it for its intended purpose. And most of the smokers I know felt it was easier to us a lighter because lighters lit easier that the ones in your car. And that's not even to mention that a lot of people don't smoke in the car.
An unlimited supply 10 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Like, maybe. But most people who are put in jail on drug charges either aren't actually bad people or are in on other charges as well.
Good old junk drawer 3 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
We have a miscellaneous drawer. But it's not this cluttered. It's just pens and a pair of scissors, batteries, scotch tape and a box cutter.
Spot the different 15 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I wasn't trying to say it didn't count, just inform the situation. I assume the artist put that in on purpose because they were making a picture of strange things. I just also know that this particular thing isn't particularly werid.
Spot the different 15 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Actually, that's less weird than you think. Some people are actually prone to do some things with their "non dominant hand". This is especially common for left handed people who have spent their entire lives in a right handed world. Writing us usually exclusive to your dominant hand, but things like drinking coffee might go either way. Mant left handed people master doing certain tasks like using scissors or eating with their right hands to fit in easier.
Greeks anciently 13 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
There is also a pair of gay penguins in the NYC zoo who raised an agg from another penguin couple who laid two eggs. Most penguin couples can only raise one egg at a time.
Also, maybe less children being born isn't the worst thing. There are a lot of humans on the planet and only so many resources.
Material wistful juvenile Raven 8 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I imagine it's useful for people who basically live on the road and need to be mindful of power usage. People who live in an RV type situation.
This is why millennials are 34 and house sharing with 4 strangers (uk) 35 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
@princessmontertru but not everything in your life is your own doing. Good and bad things happen to all of us. We cause some of them, some of them are beyond our control. And not everyone is given equal opportunity for success.
I'm not saying you shouldn't grab your life by the horns and do something with it. I just think its irresponsible to dismiss barriers to success.
I work with a woman who cannot cut up her own pork chop. She has serious a cognitive disability. It isn't safe for her to use a sharp knife. She also has battled many different cancers. She comes from a very wealthy family who can afford the treatment needed for her without it causing overwhelming financial hardship. She has had many many things go well for her, and go very poorly for her that are beyond her own control. It's not always so clear cut that people don't have the same barriers to success as others, but that doesn't make those barriers less valid.
Excelsior!! 6 comments
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I find the name of this bot ironic for the post.