

— TheKaylaPup Report User
Only persom worth it 1 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
So, I know it's supposed to mean "Do it for myself" but I feel like he had an identical twin who passed away and he is completing his bucket list for him.
Well damn b*tch 4 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
This is a real problem. In general we need to be treating mental health issues as health issues and this is especially important for doctors. If your birth control was causing high blood pressure, your doctor would look at other options (either different birth control, or something to help with the blood pressure). The same consideration should be given when your medication causes depression.
Well, it might've happened that way 20 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Thanks. I really liked the idea of latin being used for the precision and clarity.
Well, it might've happened that way 20 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
This was interesting and fun. I shall put it to serious consideration for all future works of fiction both intaken and created by me.
Well, it might've happened that way 20 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I personally like the idea that in early times Satan had demons learning every language, but as language grew and evolved that became harder and harder. He tried to put a stop to new languages by forcing everyone to use Greek--which worked for a while until the political forces really overturned greek as a language and switched to Latin. After Latin died Satan was like "you know what, they can learn latin, I'm done adapting for them."
Must be hard for those that can't 4 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
My sister taught me to whistle when I was twelve years old. She was eight and has been whistling for years, but I had never been able to manage.
With a patient tutor and commitment to the task, I believe most people who cannot whistle could learn
help meeee 11 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
It's a GALAXY Note 9. I don't have this problem anywhere else, only on this site. Its the ads you have to scroll past for content. They aren't fixed in place between two pieces of content, it's like they are on another level you have to scroll past to get to content. Sometimes its impossible to get them not over parts of the comment section--I assume since the comment section is also sort of on another level.
Also, is there a reason I am not understanding why we are not allowed to post URLs? I believe a better understanding may ease the frustration it causes a little bit
help meeee 11 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Once again, @SuperDave is not helping the site by not allowing URLs. It's just making the site harder to use. The ads are like that again too. I often can't read comments because an ad will block them in a way I can't easily work around without opening the post up on it's own page. These kinds of things have caused me to use the site less. I can't be the only one. I wouldn't mind the volume of ads with they didn't make using the site significantly more frustrating.
Alternate option 5 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Yes, but an even greater number are born everyday. We need to reduce the population for the environmental impact. And we still need to plant trees. We have cut down so many of earth's forests, it's not sustainable even if we reduce the population. We really need both.
Remember this? 3 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Yeah, but it's a pain to add links and a pain to use them. Maybe @SuperDave might consider allowing links to be posted so long as your account has existed for more than 30 days. It's not a perfect solution but it should stop the porn bots from being able to hoard, while allowing a majority of the real userbase to post links.
Why double standards? 3 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
That's because sex with human is only okay with consent.
That's why I have trust issues 3 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Maybe a little--but we need to stop suggesting she should be obligated to marry him. Love and commitment is not something you can buy with gives or kindness or even kidneys. Love and commitment is a gift. It has to be freely given. And no one is obligated to give you any kind of gift no matter what you've given them. That's how gifts work. If you expect an exchange it's not really a it's a lottery.
Bro, what? 5 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
So, I know it's better to go the the 1 km side, but if you didn't know, reason this out. One direction is a distance that you can imagine. It's far, but not unreachable. The other direction is a distance you can't understand. It could be just barely out of sight, or it could be the better part of a day. You don't know. It makes more sense to go with the sure thing. I'd bet most Europeans would choose 5 km over 3 miles, even though 3 miles isn't quite as far as 5 km (though it's much closer than 1v1). Simply because when you don't know what's better, the thing you understand is typically a safer bet.
Get that Cheddar 1 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Spending two weeks in a hotel
Rate my setup 16 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Fax ALL the prisons! 7 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Yes--but I mean your typically have to provide your SSN when you apply to even be considered
Fax ALL the prisons! 7 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Yeah, but in many places and for many people the only reasonable way to get a job is to g in ve your SSN.
ruining minds again... Saw the picture before reading 6 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I've always heard of people play in ng "first one to touch their phone pays for dinner" where if no one touches their phone, everyone pays for their own meal.
Why does this KEEP happening 3 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Presumably because you see the best in people. Or atleast expect the best out of unknowns. That's not necessarily a bad thing. I would recommend you continue to look for the best, but try to become more practically cautious of possible negatives.
Pls don’t get offended 5 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Hol the f**k up 2 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Being yelled at can be a trigger for some people. I don't know where this kid is coming from-but its entirely possible that being yelled at has become synonymous with about to get beaten.
It's also entirely possible that this was just the final straw in an series of difficult and stressful events.
It's been my experience that people cry for two main reasons. 1. Because they have a lot of emotion/stress and crying is the means they are using to cope (even if they don't want to be crying). Or 2. Because crying has proven to yield useful results for them historically. (To manipulate people) since this is a high school aged boy, I would guess the former, since crying tends to only result im n mockery from others when you are a boy after a certain age.
He's right, you know 27 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I agree completely with the idea that we should legalize drugs and pardon nonviolent drug offenders. But two things are true. 1. This would not make it any easier to get convictions out of other criminals. 2. It would result in less prisoners, which the prison industry doesn't want. And the prison industry has very impressive lobbyist.
Respect ( not mine) 3 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Maybe, but probably not. Generally one beer is not going to make a large difference in lifespan. Also, either way he was likely not long for this world and enjoying something you love is often worth the loss of lifespan.
He's right, you know 27 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
So, here's the thing. If we are going to have people in prison who might every get out, we should be trying to rehabilitate them while they are there. The number of people who are in prison for repeat offenses proves not only that punishment is not effective at preventing crime, but also makes former prisoners a greater threat to the population than the average non prisoner of the same demographic. If you believe people guilty of certain crimes are unredeemable, then you should want for longer/lifetime terms for those crimes. Personally, I believe anyone could be shaped into a safe, healthy, productive member of society given enough time, resources and expertise. But even without a perfect system, if rehabilitation works for some prisoners than it's worth attempting. Not only does it make everyone else safer, it also means less money spent incarcerating people again. We spend so much money incarcerating people.
This kid is so cute 4 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I'm not sure how old this boy is--or if this is the case here--but strong desires for young boys to take care of their mothers often stems from issues at home. Especially issues where mom is unable to take adequate care of herself. There is a line. On one side children are kind and sweet and on the other children have learned that taking care of others is paramount to the wellbeing of said people. Leanning too much on children for support is damaging to those children. They grow up with a really skewed sense of what normal healthy relationships look like, which can cause them to make poor decisions about their relationships in the future. I'm not saying that is the case here, I don't know, the sample is certainly to small to gain meaningful conclusions about. What I am saying is be careful not to throw too much praise at children exhibiting overly caring behaviors toward their parents--it may be hurting their already messed up sense of healthy relationships.