I don't know how to make a lenny face 8 comments
· 8 years ago
http://kawaiiface.net/ -link to a lenny face site
*sighs happily* 14 comments
· 8 years ago
It's why I always put the source in the comments, so you can trace the art back to the artist so they get the attention they deserve
Hope She's Okay 6 comments
· 8 years ago
I was gonna give out pics of band members and star trek stuff on here, and also leave a link to find it without the watermark. Just to clear my own storage and make room so I could have more.
Edited 8 years ago
Hope She's Okay 6 comments
lying ass whale 61 comments
lying ass whale 61 comments
· 8 years ago
Everyday we stray further from god's light....
Anastasia, I hope you're having a wonderful day, and that it isn't ruined by this snowflake.
Anastasia, I hope you're having a wonderful day, and that it isn't ruined by this snowflake.
lying ass whale 61 comments
· 8 years ago
All for the sake..... of comedy, sweaty :)..,,, it's supposed to piss you off,,,as a response,,,,, to people who think they can win,,,, a fight on the internet...inspired by thebootydiaries on tumblr.... the queen,,,, hope you have a good day~
lying ass whale 61 comments
lying ass whale 61 comments
· 8 years ago
Do you even... understand... sarcasm.
The Killer King is a reference to a song lyric.... you don't even have the patience to spell the word "one" in your username,,,, such a,,, an offense... In my house,,, I can hear your comment.... so clearly,,,you went through the trouble of down voting every single one of my comments.... how will I ever be able to come on the internet ever again....
The Killer King is a reference to a song lyric.... you don't even have the patience to spell the word "one" in your username,,,, such a,,, an offense... In my house,,, I can hear your comment.... so clearly,,,you went through the trouble of down voting every single one of my comments.... how will I ever be able to come on the internet ever again....
lying ass whale 61 comments
· 8 years ago
Boy,,,, another one.... and edgelord,,,, on my thread..... on my land,,, my simple comment.... I'm shook,,,,,devastated hoo boy,,,,hhhhoooo boy,,,, I will never survive this...this onslaught of hatred,,,, as if.... they know,,,,, anything about these people....,,, the nerve hoo boy....I'm not even breathing..... hoo boy,,,, how will I ever survive,,,,,,
lying ass whale 61 comments
· 8 years ago
I am.... the Killer King,,,,, and this,,, this small edge lord,,,,,,, thinks... I don't even,,, on my thread,,,, that lords are above the King.... the rashness,,,, audacity,, complete misunderstanding of title..... hoo boy hoo boy,,, how will i ever,,, come back from this
Edited 8 years ago
I am.... the Killer King,,,,, and this,,, this small edge lord,,,,,,, thinks... I don't even,,, on my thread,,,, that lords are above the King.... the rashness,,,, audacity,, complete misunderstanding of title..... hoo boy hoo boy,,, how will i ever,,, come back from this
lying ass whale 61 comments
· 8 years ago
Hoo boy look at this,,,,, this edgelord... I,,,.. in my comment thread,,, hoo boy hoo hoo.... caught me off guard..... I can't even begin to describe... the audacity,,,,,, as if... the op can sense,,,,when an old cringe post,, makes the popular page on an unknown website.... the audacity,,,,..... the nerve,,, how will i ever look at myself in the mirror anymore,,,,,......
lying ass whale 61 comments
· 8 years ago
Can you... I mean just... look at this guest.... replying to my comment,,,hoo boy... in my house,,, I.. look at this audacity...,,,,,that caught me,,,, blindsided me... guest doesn't even think the girl,,, who posted this is real... forged from the internet by some sentient glitch.... I don't know how I'll wake up tomorrow.,,,,
lying ass whale 61 comments
*Deep Breath In* 87 comments
· 8 years ago
At the time, I thought this was funny, but this website is different with dealing with this kind of stuff and I regret all the negativity it has brought, I wish I could delete it, but it got to the popular page incredibly fast and I don't have that ability anymore. I apologize for that.
*Deep Breath In* 87 comments
· 8 years ago
I want to delete it after a while but it got to the popular page please end my suffering
*Deep Breath In* 87 comments
· 8 years ago
Then we have no problem, I do however, regret posting this, I had thought it was funny at the time, but it's only brought negativity. That wasn't my intention when I joined this website, and I'm sorry for becoming defensive when I was the one starting discourse I shouldn't have.