It's dangerous in prison 63 comments
· 10 years ago
Ya'll need to calm down. He was never truely convicted or went through the due process. He might as well had not raped the kid. But ya'll are going way to far with this he deserved it bullshit. Nobody deserves to be rape. And I agree what he did was wrong ( if he did rape the kid.) but really do we have to as as to say he deserves to be raped by satan and he will suffer great in the kingdom of God? We need to do a reign check and look at what the hell we are saying and what it really means. That is my rant here.
Well that makes a lot of sense 29 comments
· 10 years ago
If you think about, girls are a lot more "protected" then boys because in most instances men are the gender considered rapists. So just by stereotypical standards. So a fourth year old woman spearding a photo of a twenty year old is socially aceptible but a fourty year old man spearding a photo of a twenty year old girl is pedoish a scary.
Happiness 90 comments
· 10 years ago
This post's comments are like
Guest=dickhead who is a 99 year old republican in Tejas, and
Users= Awesome people who actually give a shit about humanity
Except Caustin12 he's a dick.
Guest=dickhead who is a 99 year old republican in Tejas, and
Users= Awesome people who actually give a shit about humanity
Except Caustin12 he's a dick.
Cool stuff 32 comments
Ship! 19 comments
· 10 years ago
WAIT. What is spongebob, spongebob was some insane lunatic who live life in his fantasies.?
I don't want to get sl*t on my hand 29 comments
· 10 years ago
I would say go fuck your self but then again I don't know if your legal.. -.- dido
Open heart surgery 59 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes of course you survive why else would you spend thousands of dollars to replace a heart. This is coming from so one who has survived three of them. (:
The Unhated Countries 54 comments
· 10 years ago
Sorry about Rwanda It didn't know about the genocide. Oops.But for the rest of them, kiss me if I'm wrong they don't have any haters other than yourself and most people over the age of 65 (assuming that your younger) who live within a thirty mile radius of Yogi Bear.