

theregoes_aysul Report User

Gently tap the glass but try not to scare them

Gently tap the glass but try not to scare them

Yeah, Jeanie! He does what he want!

Yeah, Jeanie! He does what he want!

This cat looks concerned about your cat food expenses

This cat looks concerned about your cat food expenses

Freedom on ice GIF

Freedom on ice

Olympic ice skaters' faces before they are skating and while they are skating

Olympic ice skaters' faces before they are skating and while they are skating

34 not so photogenic animals

When someone copies what I said and gets more likes GIF

When someone copies what I said and gets more likes

What was the man who discovered milking cows thinking about when he did it?

What was the man who discovered milking cows thinking about when he did it?

Batshark and Aquaman UNITE!!!

Batshark and Aquaman UNITE!!!

Another GIF perfect as a loading icon GIF

Another GIF perfect as a loading icon