

Thesexypurplepanda Report User
okay 19 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
What. WHAT?! If I had a blind kid and his school took his cane away I would take legal action to say the least. We're those morons to stupid to realize the poor kid needs the cane to be aware of his surroundings. Those idiots should be blindfolded and be forced to navigate by pool noodle for at least a week. I can't believe those sick heartless bastards would do something like that!
Yeah 10 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
I am all three
Blue Tim Tams 306 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
Salmon chicken
Girls text language. Is it true? 20 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
All except for "oh" which usually means "I'm crying in a corner and its your fault"
I'm waiting for the day that we can wear stuff like this in public 43 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
I wear stuff like that all the time
Confession time 10 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
Screw it embrace your weirdness. You would be surprised at how many friends it makes you, an many of them will be friends for life
The meaningful lyrics bring a tear to my eye :') 21 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
Cause I'm a pyromaniac
And your veins are full of gas
Your burning higher, higher
I'm storming this wildfire
essentials 9 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
I used headphones so much that I went through a pair a week. Then again music is the only way I can handle loud crowds without having a mental breakdown
Perfect iPhone cover 5 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
This is inaccurate. Homer doesn't eat apples
The Piano Guys, Lindsey Stirling, etc anyone? 66 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
I much prefer the first option. And the bottom half needs more pants
The only time 14 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
She's... So cute with he hair like that...
I am a pure blood. What are you? 70 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
I'm a deatheater and proud of it
Minion Avengers Assemble! 5 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
I would watch this so hard. I would watch it several times a day. It would be the best move. Ever
3 young royal heirs around the world, Denmark, Marocco and Japan 29 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
Japan's hair... So shiny...
My brain is full of wat 21 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
As somebody with a 14 year old little sister THIS ISN'T HOW 14 YEAR OLDS SHOULD ACT WHERE IS HER MOTHER. more importantly that's way too much makeup
Really gets you thinking 18 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
I actually don't know the month most of the time
As a woman I can wear whatever the hell I want and men can't? 37 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
While I think that people can wear whatever the hell they want for an occasion like that it would have been common courtesy to wear something a little more formal
Meth class 17 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
Purple because potatoes can't fly
The hidden messages behind disney movies 12 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
Can I please just take a moment to say that these are technically children's movies and CHILDREN DON'T GET/NOTICE ANY OF THIS STUFF
The only possibilities 6 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
I'm voting the first option
Nerd vs DJ 7 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
Girls like her are why people glare at me when they see my glasses.
So much win 8 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
I actually have a Christian friend who is gay
Never stop 6 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
Go kitty go!
This guy 12 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
As a Vermonter I can relate to this a sad amount
Floating tennis court 15 comments
thesexypurplepanda · 10 years ago
How many balls have gone over the edge?