Hello! :D I'm obsessed with all things Disney and consider Disneyland my second home. Talk with me sometimes KIK thesnowwhitereject— Thesnowwhitereject Report User
Not your ordinary tacos 3 comments
· 9 years ago
I bought my boyfriend that shirt for Christmas he gets many compliments >.<
The establishment that sells a winning ticket gets 1 million USD. Wow 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Across the street from my house >.< vans didn't leave for like 2 days lol
Merry christmas, Bill 12 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm a Christian and I never had a problem with people who aren't religious celebrating it. You want to celebrate family and friends please do. I just get bothered when I say Merry Christmas (on Instagram or in person) and I get backlash for it or glares. I was just wishing them a happy day. Why can't everyone be more like Bill:(
To those of us born around Christmas 18 comments
One of the most uncomfortable moments ever in live television 8 comments
· 9 years ago
So is it totally wrong of me to think that miss Columbia shouldve just smiled and walked over to the winner and crowned her herself? Like actually took the crown off her head and crowed the real winner? I dunno to me it would've looked like she was an amazingly nice person and understanding about the whole situation thing (I know she was devestated and what not but accidents do happen) and it would've made the whole thing less awkward. I dunno just a thought >.<"
Disney, don't stop! 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Need a buy button! I know what to get my friend for Christmas now lmao
Practicing face painting ideas for my daughters class party on Friday...I is scared >.<" 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Hello I honestly haven't really been on fun substance. I'm not ignoring the question (: my boyfriend knows and he was fine with it. Just tries to help me not do it anymore ^.^
And I believe him 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Considering I'm not on here everyday all day I was unaware. So sorry to have offended you.
Practicing face painting ideas for my daughters class party on Friday...I is scared >.<" 26 comments
Practicing face painting ideas for my daughters class party on Friday...I is scared >.<" 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Thank you! And yes some of them are thank you for the love <3 I love you too
Practicing face painting ideas for my daughters class party on Friday...I is scared >.<" 26 comments
Practicing face painting ideas for my daughters class party on Friday...I is scared >.<" 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Thank you! I think I'm nervous because I don't know how still this little buggers are gonna sit while I do this on their face lol my daughter wiggles around so much so now I'm worried D:
Practicing face painting ideas for my daughters class party on Friday...I is scared >.<" 26 comments
Practicing face painting ideas for my daughters class party on Friday...I is scared >.<" 26 comments
Practicing face painting ideas for my daughters class party on Friday...I is scared >.<" 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Haha to put on yourself? Or for you to actually tattoo on someone? Lol
Practicing face painting ideas for my daughters class party on Friday...I is scared >.<" 26 comments
Practicing face painting ideas for my daughters class party on Friday...I is scared >.<" 26 comments
Practicing face painting ideas for my daughters class party on Friday...I is scared >.<" 26 comments
"Crazy hair day" in his kindergarten class 4 comments