Add me on facebook if you want name is Tristan McKinzie always fun to talk to new people
— thirdagegod Report User
And I thought I had a bad day 34 comments
· 10 years ago
I won't believe this till I see proof.
Burn so big, Tupac would die again 7 comments
· 10 years ago
There are people who think Tupac is still alive typically illuminati believers...
what are the odds that she would see him while wearing that? 28 comments
· 10 years ago
Sadly i don't agree in the slightest. I find happiness in songs with much deeper sense of feeling and emotion where you actually have to think of the message behind the words.
what are the odds that she would see him while wearing that? 28 comments
· 10 years ago
I've heard it i still think its garbage just not what i'm into sadly. It just seems all people care about in music is how someone looks or the simplicity of their message.
what are the odds that she would see him while wearing that? 28 comments
· 10 years ago
I just don't see why people like it they literally only sing in a manner that gets little girls excited because its so generalized and just garbage all around
Tumblr gets realistic. 10 comments
Girls be like.. 11 comments
· 10 years ago
matrix i hope you at least understand the point i was trying to get across
The difference between $10,000 in 1's vs 100's 30 comments
Girls be like.. 11 comments
· 10 years ago
you definitely misread what i typed. and i dont really have the time to explain or even want to.
The difference between $10,000 in 1's vs 100's 30 comments
I was just trying to bond 8 comments
Girls be like.. 11 comments
· 10 years ago
We all have different points of view Jillaroo don't be so damn rude about it. I have been friendzoned before but let me finish i consider it friendzone because at one point there was a semi romantic aspect to "our" friendship and she broke it off without giving me any sense of closure. Therefore 3 months later when she wanted to be "friends" again i accepted her back into my life hoping maybe she wanted to be with me. 3 years later down the line endless heart ache and pain not even sure why I put up with all of it i stopped talking to her for good and it was for the better the supposed friend zone isn't always as simple as you would think jillaroo but i do see your point.
The puffin is at it again 24 comments
· 10 years ago
I just don't see why some people can't finish when they have no real reason to drop out my brother made it through and it was shocking he never did anything and was bi polar and had adhd he isn't exactly doing the greatest in life but he passed high school
Hers a challenge 17 comments