Sick job covering the child's face Daily Mail 3 comments
· 5 years ago
That's because they noticed the AI didn't get rid of the reflections. But now it's on the internet. And it's always on the internet. They should be fined.
Edited 5 years ago
Brexit vs... 8 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm so confused. Doesn't the animal's DNA define the gender? I mean it could be male of female and straight or gay. But doesn't the DNA define an initial gender?
Never forget the fallen 10 comments
A day which will live in infamy 13 comments
Found this on FS...Why dost we use this in fidget spinners? 13 comments
· 5 years ago
It's nonexistent. The usage would actually be valuable in a rape situation, however in any normal situation it only works for 2 minutes.
HELP!! Anybody Help!!........15 seconds. "Hello? How?"...HELP it's zombies!!
"OK I don't know where you are calling from."
It's a thing on my finger!!!...30 seconds
"OK Ma'am I'm gonna pass you to my associate."
No! I need help!!!!49 seconds.
"OK Madam , I need you to calm down and tell us what's going on."1.37 seconds
They are breaking in!! Where are you?2.00
"OK Madam we have have filed a report."
HELP!! Anybody Help!!........15 seconds. "Hello? How?"...HELP it's zombies!!
"OK I don't know where you are calling from."
It's a thing on my finger!!!...30 seconds
"OK Ma'am I'm gonna pass you to my associate."
No! I need help!!!!49 seconds.
"OK Madam , I need you to calm down and tell us what's going on."1.37 seconds
They are breaking in!! Where are you?2.00
"OK Madam we have have filed a report."
Found this on FS...Why dost we use this in fidget spinners? 13 comments
· 5 years ago
Who the hell uses fidget spinners? That was a 6 month thing. Why would you ask this.
Sick job covering the child's face Daily Mail 3 comments
· 5 years ago
This is how AI works. Get used to it. It's not his face. It's the thing that looks like him. Might be an alien. Could be a vampire. But we gotta photo!
NYC as seen in 1910 2 comments
They are evolving! 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Masturbate before you start an argument with your girlfriend. So when she offers you sex in the middle you say "Let's talk about things."
Name a more iconic trio 9 comments
Respect 5 comments
Oooh the Irony! 4 comments
· 5 years ago
I am going to admit I have no idea which side you are on. And I will also admit we shouldn't be picking sides.
*Grabs popcorn* 26 comments
· 5 years ago
Land a person on the moon, Land a spacecraft on a buoyant platform or back at it's base. Then talk to me about math and science.We are doing OK with our standard measures.
Edited 5 years ago
*Grabs popcorn* 26 comments
Good job 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Y'know I posted that with disregard to Sasha Grey's @#$%^. And that was something I should not do.
New York building after a pressure wash 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Y'know I might if I didn't live in the Village and have to do the check thing on drinks offered. NY Water is actually better than most metros. It's not a gigantic rock. Next you'll explain how the Statue of Liberty is on an island. And then I'll explain it's on an island of garbage and isn't even in New York.
Pop festival - metal festival (wacken) 4 comments
Guess what this is 20 comments
· 5 years ago
Thanks @Grimreaper. I lived in Mississippi ,Alabama and Florida and I was trying to make it some strange alligator or crocodile. Hope it got the kids home safe .