Oh no! 22 comments
· 10 years ago
Pffft. I've got the week off. Sleeping as long as I damn well please tomorrow.
#Unbreakable 3 comments
· 10 years ago
Parks and recreation.
Watch it! (Bear with it through the first season, it gets loads better)
Watch it! (Bear with it through the first season, it gets loads better)
#Unbreakable 3 comments
· 10 years ago
That's when I hit the fire hydrant.
Sorry "allegedly" hit the fire hydrant
Sorry "allegedly" hit the fire hydrant
How cable is laid under the sea 5 comments
Correcting Conductor on evolution 23 comments
· 10 years ago
The general consensus at the minute is that waving flags/handkerchiefs meant spare the fighter, and a thumb down meant death (not picking an argument, just an ancient history tutor keeping up with modern finds)
Rule 30 has ruined me 27 comments
· 10 years ago
For anyone wondering.
For anyone wondering.
They have teeth, people 17 comments
· 10 years ago
At least people will believe me now that the scar on my leg is from geese teeth when I show them this. (I know they're not technically teeth, but still, look at those motherfuckers!)
Edited 10 years ago
*WARNING* Feels ahoy. 24 comments
The downside of being a grammar Nazi 7 comments
The customer service there is a joke 11 comments
The perfect place 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Imagine getting down and freaky for a few hours, faces buried in each other's various orifices, then looking up and seeking you had an audience.
I miss it... 70 comments
· 10 years ago
What's the difference between Madeline McCann and a toaster?
A toaster wasn't raped and murdered.
A toaster wasn't raped and murdered.
Chernobyl looks like it has experienced a zombie apocalypse 32 comments
· 10 years ago
Good point, I just scrolled through. Pripiat only has the incomplete ferris wheel. No fun house or anything.
Chernobyl looks like it has experienced a zombie apocalypse 32 comments
· 10 years ago
It's not Chernobyl, it's pipyrat (think that's how you spell it) the town purpose built for the workers of Chernobyl.
It was abandoned when Chernobyl had its meltdown. It's pretty much illegal to go there but plenty of people do.
There's even a film that was set there, can't remember what it's called though.
It was abandoned when Chernobyl had its meltdown. It's pretty much illegal to go there but plenty of people do.
There's even a film that was set there, can't remember what it's called though.
Beta 101 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Maybe just tell him you don't want to to talk rather than ignoring him for weeks then treating him like a leper with the first thing you say?
Reading this is so satisfying 5 comments
I miss it... 70 comments
· 10 years ago
Here's some dark humour for you bunch of fuckers.
How many babies does it take to paint a wall?
Depends on how hard you throw them.
My girlfriend told me to treat her like a princess.
So I got her drunk and drove into a wall.
What's the hardest part of eating a vegetable?
Choking down the wheelchair.
What's 2 feet tall, black and blue, bleeds a lot and doesn't like sex?
The toddler locked in my basement.
What's the best thing about 25 year olds?
There's 20 of them.
How many babies does it take to paint a wall?
Depends on how hard you throw them.
My girlfriend told me to treat her like a princess.
So I got her drunk and drove into a wall.
What's the hardest part of eating a vegetable?
Choking down the wheelchair.
What's 2 feet tall, black and blue, bleeds a lot and doesn't like sex?
The toddler locked in my basement.
What's the best thing about 25 year olds?
There's 20 of them.
drives women wild 15 comments
· 10 years ago
What's 12 inches long, stiff, and makes women scream all night?
Cot death.
Cot death.
Natural selection at its finest 13 comments
· 10 years ago
I live in the UK and we have them with no warnings I think.
I buy my neice and nephew one pretty much every weekend, and they're like 60p (not sure how that translates to $)
I cannot remember the last time I heard of someone choking on any part of these.
If any FSers in America would like a kinder egg hit me up.
Im serious, first five people who ask get a free kinder egg.
I'll pay postage and everything. If its not illegal of course (even if it is).
I buy my neice and nephew one pretty much every weekend, and they're like 60p (not sure how that translates to $)
I cannot remember the last time I heard of someone choking on any part of these.
If any FSers in America would like a kinder egg hit me up.
Im serious, first five people who ask get a free kinder egg.
I'll pay postage and everything. If its not illegal of course (even if it is).
If you had more sons 30 comments
Who doesn't love Sprite? 9 comments