First Disney princess from America 24 comments
· 8 years ago
She wasn't American though...
Grim disney 28 comments
Grim disney 28 comments
· 9 years ago
The only difference between life and fairy tales is that the bad parts aren't filtered out
aayyy lmao 10 comments
True endings of Disney tales 17 comments
True endings of Disney tales 17 comments
True endings of Disney tales 17 comments
When your name is mentioned in a song 23 comments
· 9 years ago
With my full Name and surname I have a few songs, an emotion, a clothing item, and a culture/language
When Bae responds. 7 comments
First Disney princess from America 24 comments
If Disney princesses went to high school 19 comments
I'm French and First Nations 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Firstly I'm black so don't tell me I'm racist when I say I don't like weaves. I personally wouldn't ever get one, just because I dont like the process but I can still appreciate a good weave, I don't think my hair choices have affected peoples view of me (at least not where I stay). Also if my other-race friends ask me about my hair (or any other part of my culture) or to braid their hair it makes me happy to think they are taking an interest in me and my culture.
Abandoned apartments 18 comments