

— MCR_fandom_666 Report User
This really used to piss me off 15 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
I'm a 2000's kid and it bothers me... Stereotypes is what pisses me off
They'll Probably Never Know 29 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
I'm 16 and I know that was from Ace Ventura...duh
girls these days. 11 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
Crazy bitch
3,000 more to go. Please like. Save life 4 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
Staff- Come on Jesus, get off the computer already
Jesus- Just 3 more days I swear
One word: fast 7 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
But NOT fast guys.....
Not all cops are bad 21 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
Faith restored
rekt 36 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
When a body part falls asleep 7 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
Finally someone knows how to explain that shit
Carbonated water like ice cream 8 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
A picture, more than a thousand words 13 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
It means thats he's empty without her and she's heartless without him
She's done with her 34 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
Its just like when Donald Trump said he got a SMALL loan of $1,000,000...are they related?
She wants the D! 8 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
Anxiety in one screenshot
Oh no! It's ninny-poo 42 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
May the nightmares be with you....
Human zoo 100 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
Jesus that's horrible
Look close 20 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
Some want to watch the world burn in a reign of fire and chaos. 24 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
Ever seen hell in a room??
Sup Boizz 19 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
Im just sitting in the middle of my Biology class and I just completly lost my shit in front of everyone
Sound advice 8 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
Or you'll just get punched in the face cause it would maybe seem like you're insulting them...
A starburst castle 6 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
That was probably so hard to fucking not eat any...or the whole thing after they were done..
There is something quite wonderful about this photo 10 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
This is how the "punk generation" sould be mostly viewed apon. Not all of us are assholes to kids, but this guy I swear should put a change in peoples minds..
Wall sockets from around the world 35 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
Is the US the only normal plug or.. Wtf other countries lmao
How not to take a panorama 10 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
Holy friggin human centipede...
-laughs- -sobs hysterically- 26 comments
tigerinwhite · 8 years ago
Too soon soon