This is why I love Australia 32 comments
· 9 years ago
Breast milk has immunoglobulin A in it to help boost the baby's immune system.
Just some...light...reading 3 comments
In light of the recent Starbucks controversy 27 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't have a sweet tooth. Drinking coffee black is how you can really tell the quality of the product and how you can tell Starbucks quality is a shaky 1 on a scale of 1-10. They can disguise their other stuff with sweets and flavoring. It seems like you are trying to make it seem like they don't do this, despite that they are pretty much known for catering to the sweet tooth with their loosely based on coffee products.
In light of the recent Starbucks controversy 27 comments
· 9 years ago
You have to really try to find a place that sells worse tasting coffee. Aside from having better tasting products, nearly everywhere sells them for significantly cheaper, as well. I never understood why such crap became popular enough to survive, let alone thrive.
In light of the recent Starbucks controversy 27 comments
· 9 years ago
Who cares? It is a company whose primary purpose is to sell expensive burnt water. Their position on any issue is irrelevant.
The birth of a chicken 35 comments
Imagine if phones had a touchpad 52 comments
· 9 years ago
There are pros and cons to every type of interface. But this definitely seems like something worth trying out. The technology is there and isn't expensive. They could make phones with this feature that are inexpensive enough that breaking it won't break the bank.
I'm so bun with this 4 comments
This is the law 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, occasionally on those family phone plans, when one number gets a text, another number on that plan gets it, as well.
This is the law 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, that is kind of like asking for equality and special treatment at the same time. You get one, choose wisely.
Society problems 46 comments
· 9 years ago
I just want to point out that there aren't a whole lot of really smart people that play sports, but there are a lot of smart people who watch anime. I don't think the teaching or the problem solving skills resultant from sports is something to brag about. Also, while exercise is important, I don't seem to recall anyone getting permanently injured by watching anime. Or have all of the cartilage worn out in a number of joints, etc. If people who watch anime are antisocial, that condition most likely preexisted their choice to watch anime, therefore anime is not the cause. I don't watch anime, but "there's no arguing any of this" is just idiotic.
Just trying to help 14 comments
Seriously though 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, I thought it was "mother fucking win!" for a long time. The first few times I came across it, the picture was appropriate for my assumed meaning.
It's okay Pluto, I'm not a planet anymore either 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Liked for the excellent title and awesome transformation. You look incredible.
This is where we are heading 21 comments
· 9 years ago
Because people seem to equate the actions or words of the few as the actions or words of the whole group. This is a logical fallacy of hasty generalization.
Shut up, Acrobat Reader 6 comments
I wonder what the squids think of all this 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Territorial battles are not rare in non-human animals. Perhaps the usage of tools specifically designed as projectile weapons is rare, but not battling in general. Even down to the microbial level they are waging biochemical warfare with one another.
This is where we are heading 21 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't really think it will infiltrate the menial customer service-based jobs because they can easily be fired and replaced, due to the masses of unemployed. In one of my classes, a girl refused, on some sort of religious reason, to decapitate live flies to analyze their eye pigments with TLC. The professor made arrangements for someone else to complete that task for her; personally, I would have given her a 0 on the lab and explained that she needs to change her prospective career.
TL;DR if you know there are aspects of your job that go against something you strongly believe in, pick a different job.
TL;DR if you know there are aspects of your job that go against something you strongly believe in, pick a different job.
Just trying to help 14 comments
· 9 years ago
I am, thank you. Your conclusion is based on a logical fallacy of the undistributed middle, but you do happen to be correct.