Me and my puppy Odie 4 comments
· 5 years ago
The goodest of boi’s
Poor doggo 7 comments
· 5 years ago
I don’t know about you guys but I’d be at the nearest store selling fire resistant clothing and respirators. No family left behind
My best friend just passed away - I don't know what to do 14 comments
· 5 years ago
I’m so sorry for your loss guest. I lost my older brother who was my best friend, it is an incredibly hard thing to go through. There are tough times ahead, but as m said it does get easier with time. Know that you aren’t ever truly alone, you have many of us in the Funsubstance community here for you.
Long time since I've posted, but my long stay at the hospitals changed my schedule 13 comments
· 5 years ago
You’re very sweet for keeping my positivity about the subject high, I hope you the best in all of your endeavors. Again, you have a lovely day/night yourself!
Long time since I've posted, but my long stay at the hospitals changed my schedule 13 comments
· 5 years ago
It definitely did haha. Aw don’t worry about it, terrible things happen every day and the fact I’ve made it through makes today a good one
Edited 5 years ago
Long time since I've posted, but my long stay at the hospitals changed my schedule 13 comments
· 5 years ago
Aw thank you for checking that I’m doing okay, I’m in good spirits and health now. Not so happy that I’m still laid up in the hospital a week later, but I should be admitted to leave soon. I hope you have a good night, thank you again for making sure I’m alright!
Long time since I've posted, but my long stay at the hospitals changed my schedule 13 comments
· 5 years ago
My right ear drum burst so badly, it’s been swelling my right optical nerve to curve a little against my left
Long time since I've posted, but my long stay at the hospitals changed my schedule 13 comments
· 5 years ago
A hard fall backwards from my head to the asphalt. It fractured my skull and burst my eardrum sadly
Long time since I've posted, but my long stay at the hospitals changed my schedule 13 comments
· 5 years ago
I’m still a little messed up from the medicine, hours later did it take me to realize you meant from how pirate like I look lmao. Hats off to you for that haha
Well he's not wrong 1 comments
· 6 years ago
Delta or Wye, I doubt I’ll ever stop immediately thinking Autobots and Decepticons though
Find you a man 9 comments
· 8 years ago
As a mechanic I can relate to the first picture in the post, but as we are grossly underpaid, not so much the second
Common task made easier 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I'd be the one to fill it with monopoly money. I'd then also be the one to get kicked out of the strip club.
Cat wit thumbs 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Yea the cat is polydactyl. They have more fingers on each paw. My cat bigfoot has two extra on each paw
Edited 10 years ago
This is not ok and it needs to stop 39 comments
· 10 years ago
Never blame the breed, its the people who train the dogs. Dog fighters are scum bags
Right in the Feels 14 comments
Why Do All These Guys Keep Putting Me In The "Girlfriend Zone?" 50 comments
· 11 years ago
In all honesty im guilty of putting girls in the "girlfriend zone" but if I try to be more then friends with a girl and shes only interested in a friendship then im cool with that. I dont blow them off, I continue to be friends. Some of my best friends are chicks :D
Everyone should read THIS. 61 comments
· 11 years ago
Sorry, I had a brother who accidentally overdosed and pass away. Thats what we say for him. I just dont like seeing people willingly give up all they have because they dont think lifes worth it. A lost life has an immence impact on peoples lifes even if they dont think it will. Theres not a day that goes by that I dont think of him and get upset. Life is precious.
Rocks are disgusting. 10 comments
· 11 years ago
I cracked my head open and almost needed skull surgery because I tripped running an smack my head on a boulder. FUCK ROCKS.
Edited 11 years ago
Everyone should read THIS. 61 comments
· 11 years ago
Ever time I look into the sky and wonder why its so beautiful. Then I realize it because youre up there.