

— towdaniel123 Report User
Culinary satisfaction guaranteed 11 comments
towdaniel123 · 3 years ago
In korean it literally says fuck you
Short lifes 10 comments
towdaniel123 · 3 years ago
Yeah before they all fucked the environment so we cant play outside due to urbanization.
It was the same day 4 comments
towdaniel123 · 3 years ago
Well, Messi got the nost likes on Instagram from his post ever as an athlete so I think he got the attention he deserved.
My brotheris a genius 1 comments
towdaniel123 · 3 years ago
Cries, mandatory service (korean)
Boris biden template 3 comments
towdaniel123 · 3 years ago
I wouldve appreciated a least North Korea wouldnt have exsisted. (Bias statment coming from a South Korean)
I love equality 8 comments
towdaniel123 · 3 years ago
I had no women at my workplace and we never had someone make a crucial mistake. Correlation is not causation my friend.
4 · Edited 3 years ago
Chad move 8 comments
towdaniel123 · 3 years ago
Well if you look at the history of coca cola stocks I dont see a significant drop from the past 5 months so..
Chad move 8 comments
towdaniel123 · 3 years ago
Thats a lie look at the stocks now...
Well ok 13 comments
towdaniel123 · 3 years ago
Well explain yourself or Im still gonna assume so but if you dont care enough then just leave it as is.
Well ok 13 comments
towdaniel123 · 3 years ago
If you apply the same logic you mentioned this would be the case.
Well ok 13 comments
towdaniel123 · 3 years ago
Soooo if theres a white guy who was caught shooting up the neighborhood I should be afraid of any white guy in the streets the next day....? By your logic not mine.
Bring back the gold standard 9 comments
towdaniel123 · 3 years ago
Well for his defense, if the poster was mentioning currency in general, he wouldve said so instead of saying US currency only. Hes just trying to say the dollar prices are the standard because it is trustworthy, therefore the value of the dollar isnt backed by nothing but backed by the fact that it will hold its value and be stable. Unlike currencies in Africa that fluctuate in value and some currencies become non existent overnight.
The A train 58 comments
towdaniel123 · 3 years ago
Play the victum of the war they started. A war they couldve stopped. For that reason, I dont like it when they condemm the US for the bombs while completely disregarding what they were doing to millions of people in Asia. If the war has dragged on long enough, how many more years till my country, Korea, was freed and how many more lives wouldve been lost? I might not even be here today if Japanese occupation lasted one more year. Its getting personal now which doesnt help the discussion but please understand that this arguement hits a bit close to home and hard not to get personal about it. Have a nice day.
3 · Edited 3 years ago
The A train 58 comments
towdaniel123 · 3 years ago
@blazingfrags I agree with you, I originally posted my thoughts acknowledging why the US decided to nuke the Japanese instead of invading their homeland. And to say war is war and using that as an excuse for just killing thousands of civilians isn't right. The only point I would like to put out there is the amount of effort the US put into making the Japanese surrender and to warn the Japanese of the nuclear bomb. To convince them to surrernder they sent airraids to let them know they could bomb their cities and sent out planes with flyers to warn Hiroshima and Nagasaki citizens to evacute the city. Those cities were chosen due to their factories and production sites. The Japanese had options to surrender and the evacuate the citizens but none of that happened.
I want you to understand that the nukes were a tradegy. But what I dont like about it is how it is used for the Japanese to play the victum. While they have done terrible things to my people, they hide behind the nukes and
The A train 58 comments
towdaniel123 · 3 years ago
@tarotnathers13th I love the Japanese, I really am fine with them. But it just disturbs me that a crime that is as severe as the holocaust gone unoticed. See how the Germans were sorry about their past while some, dare I say the majority consider their empire during world war 2 to be its peak. They disregard and reject the accusations of genocide because of political leverage and comensation worries while we just want the acceptance of those crimes and a apology. My grandparents still remember the days their neighbors were shot for learning Korean because during those times the Japanese tried to delete our culture. We have significantly less histroical sights due to the japanese burning them down. I cant just forget and move on with these crimes without a legitimate apology or it is lost in the past and would be a spit in the face to my grandparents.
1 · Edited 3 years ago
The A train 58 comments
towdaniel123 · 3 years ago
Im not saying this was a good thing. Im saying invading Japan wouldve costed way more lives. If you read the book Operation Downfall, you will find out that the casualties leading to a Japanese invasion wouldve been in the millions. I am not supporting the massive genocide of civilians but if I was in a situation where I could end a war without the risk of losing a single one of my men, I would've done the same. But also before the nukes were dropped, the US sent out planes with flyers to evacuate the city.
I dont know me saying this would add any validation to my arugument but I am Korean. The Japanese killed many of our people and when people shout at the US for killing 100k people while the Japan plays the victum it hurts. This wasnt a atrocity that happened thousands of years ago, but something that happened 70 years ago. Idk, going on a rant here but I do think its justified. Vicitums of the circumstances.
So long partner 4 comments
towdaniel123 · 3 years ago
It takes two
This restaurant in Seoul just looks so warm and inviting 6 comments
towdaniel123 · 4 years ago
Wait no no no Im korean and this is a korean restaurant in Japan cuz all the other words are Japanese
They can't do that! Shoot them, or something 6 comments
towdaniel123 · 4 years ago
I DIdnT sEE AnYthIHNG therEfoRe evErYoNE diDnt
Hong Kong soccer fans BOOing the Chinese national anthem during a game yesterday 2 comments
towdaniel123 · 4 years ago
Well obviously not yesterday or near today cuz no one is wearing masks, at least get the time right...
3 · Edited 4 years ago
Sorry little one 2 comments
towdaniel123 · 4 years ago
Honestly, it would be Tony or the Hulk cuz they both genious scientists and would get a cure out in a blink of an eye.
yeah! 3 comments
towdaniel123 · 4 years ago
Well the problem with the coronavirus is that you can still spread the disease even though you dont show symptoms
yeah! 3 comments
towdaniel123 · 4 years ago
Well the problem with the coronavirus is that you can still spread the disease even though you dont show symptoms
Millions protesting the corrupt Prosecutor's Office in Seoul 1 comments
towdaniel123 · 4 years ago
This was before covid fyi