

TripodHyphenPop Report User
When I end up on "that" part of the internet 26 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
You can also watch women having orgasms as they give birth.
mwahahaha 15 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
'tf' were they thinking, amirite?
mwahahaha 15 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
Where have you been for the past six hundred years? Ginger is a genetic mutation. In the middle ages, anything different about a person made them a witch. Witches sell their souls to Satan. Burn them all! I'll be burning with them, being a lefty and all.
Dog shaming 5 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
'My dog agrees.'
Dog shaming 5 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
Unless you have guests with nice asses. Then it gets awkward.
X-men facts compilation part ii 24 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
I type this disappointed that her alias was not Wil Robinson.
X-men facts compilation part ii 24 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
I feel you are splitting hairs with the Deadpool bit. He was a probationary member at one point. Some could argue that that means he was a member.
Great Way to Wake Up.. 20 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
NO! I mean, that is a terrible picture. I would prefer you did not refer people to it.
Also, the past few times I have tried to get a hold of you there has been no answer. You sure you still have the same number? Or have I misremembered it?
If abortion should be illegal 31 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
It seems to me they were extrapolating on the idea you put forward.
Don't want a foot in your mouth, don't open it.
Dr. Cox 4 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
My ass is just as smart as yours. Albeit, extra hairy. I swear, it's like a freaking bonsai tree down there.... Oh, there I go making an assumption about your ass. Damn.
Dr. Cox 4 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
I am convinced this song is about rape as well.
It was probably Nevel who leaked it 18 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
It goes both ways 70 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
I think it would be a good idea to give rapists condoms. Ain't nobody got time for STD's.
It goes both ways 70 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
When doesn't exist, they will fall down stairs more often, drink more, do harder drugs, find a coat hanger, go to a back alley, stress about the pregnancy so much that it aborts itself, stop eating. So, if you want to get rid of abortions, you'll need to be giving pregnant women psych evals the moment they become pregnant. They'll need to go into the psych ward if they don't want it... oh, nevermind. There are walls in the padded rooms.... better just lock them into the beds... that's real humane! What are we to do?! Human Farms, that's the word I was looking for.
It goes both ways 70 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
Also, what about the kids that are going through the system unadopted now? Oh, I forget babies are cute. That's why everyone wants one.
It goes both ways 70 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
The best way to debate an argument is to argue both sides of it.
It goes both ways 70 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
Character limit.
She would be perceived as a Harlot even though she may have just been with the one man. The way her friends and family treat her after the child is given up for adoption. All because she was too chicken to raise the kid on her own. Think back to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Even though most of us are introverts, social interaction is still important. Can any of you introverts say that you have nobody that you can talk to about anything even while just sitting there doing nothing? Think hard about that, I'm sure there is someone, maybe even someone that you are just comfortable with. I digress, her life will change, maybe for the better, maybe for the worse. Don't know, not until it happens, but that's how it goes.
It goes both ways 70 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
Bottom line, if a woman wants an abortion, she will get one. Legal or not. Safe or not. Better to give her the chance to do it safely and legally.
Puggle, You keep talking about wanting to but being unable to conceive. Food for thought.
What would the consequences be for a woman who put the child up for adoption? I know of no legal ramifications that would come of it. But the emotional baggage? The social baggage? Hm. Seems there is more to this than just giving the child up. May be that she hates the child she is carrying for what that man did to her. Displacement, sure, but I believe that the feelings she has are transferred to the child You know how that magic works. Then there would be the doctor visits that she doesn't want to go to, the changes wrought upon her body that she didn't want, the costs of food and drink. The sanity she would lose. Social wouldn't be so bad, but still, there would be the confirmation to the judgemental that this girl is in fact a slut.
It goes both ways 70 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
What if the child will only live for a few months, a few weeks, a few days. All of it's life will be a tortured existence. How about that? Abortion OK then?
It goes both ways 70 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
Isn't it dangerous to use the entirety of one's vocabulary in one sentence?
It goes both ways 70 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
Let me tell you a story about a darker place on the internet. It started out as a place where anyone could post whatever they wanted about video games. This was acceptable for a while; however, the posts became ever darker and even more debased with political, entertaining, and other... ah.... things. Soon, the heads of the site made it into another branch and increased the monitoring on the previous area.
My point is thus: no matter what, you will always have other things around. Best you can do is leave it be.
Citing rule of the internet number 14. Never argue with trolls- it means they win.
Although, it is delicious cake, you must eat it.
Feelz 18 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
I am left with the question, what the hell was the onomatopoeia at the end.
Leo's Oscar (Inception watchers will get it) 7 comments
tripodhyphenpop · 11 years ago
TL;DR: The top is his wife's totem. Because it is not his original totem, it may not be as reliable.